Chapter 2

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Lucas's pov

I missed my mate soooo bad and it's only been two minutes since I left the club. I decided on following her just so my wolf wouldn't curse me out. She lived in your average middle-class home. It was two stories. She walked in her house and I whimpered. Why did she have to be human. I still love her. Damn I only knew her for ten minutes. I don't know how I'm gonna get her to come home with me. She belongs with me. Then it hit me I would kidnap her. She would hate me at first but it had to be done.


Katy 's pov

He kissed me it was the best kiss I have ever felt in my life shocks went through me when he touched me and let's just say it was farrrrrr from painful. His lips felt like heaven on earth. He also smelled soooo good like mint and pine trees. Just his scent turned me on. I ended up just going home I dropped Hannah off on my way home. She said that she wasn't hungry so we didn't go out for Chinese. I walked into my house and couldn't help the feeling that I was being watched. I took off my heels that were killing me. I was soo hungry. I went into my room and went to my closet I stripped and went to my special hinding place. Shoe box. I pulled off the top to see my special stash. SKITTLES!! I bless the day they were created. I took a pack of sour ones. I flopped on my bed and began to eat my favorite snack. After I finished I went to take a shower. I walked in and a cloth was placed over my mouth and I fell unconscious.

I woke up in a really big room a really big room and it smelled sooo good. Mint and pine cones. Wait I remember that smell it all started to come back to me. I had been kidnapped by the beautiful stranger from the club. I realized I wasn't chained or anything I was just laying in a bed. I slowly sat up. The bed felt like a cloud. I don't know why but I felt weirdly safe here. But I couldn't go of how I felt I quickly stood up to find out I was alone. But then I heard the shower but just as quick as I heard it was just as quickly it turned off the guy from the club entered. He look concerned for a minute but that turned into a smile. I had to rip my eyes from his naked chest he was wearing a towel but it was dangerously low at his waist. He had the body of a god but I had to get the dirty thoughts off my mind this dude kidnapped me and I wasn't going down like that. I was scared. Scared that he would hurt me. He saw how scared I was and his face turned worried.

"Look I know what your thinking but it's not how it seems. I'm not gonna hurt you I promise. Just trust me ok." He said with pleading eyes. He was just so handsome. And I wanted to believe him for some crazy reason but I fought that feeling.

"TRUST YOU! YOU KIDNAPPED ME!" I said yelling.

"Look calm dow-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Where am I take me home." I Saud starting to cry. He looked so heartbroken and torn.

"Katy I can't take you home. We belong together. Don't cry please. I will make it up to you I promise." He said on the verge of tears himself.

"Why did you kidnap me we only met at a club you barely know me." I said still cry backing away from him until I hit a wall.

"Its hard to explain Katy. " He said looking away from me.

"Tell me." I said firmly. He sighed.

"Your my mate." He said like it was the most normal thing on earth.

"Your what?"I said confused.

"Mate. It's short for soul mate as humans say. I'm also not human. I'm a werewolf." He said looking me right in the eye I had a feeling he was telling the truth. But werewolf what the what.

"Werewolf." I said more as a question verses a statement.

"Yes werewolf. Have human half wolf. Every werewolf has a mate or a person they are supposed to be with forever. They automatically know who it is once they smell and touch them. You feel sparks and shocks like we felt last night. They are the most beautiful person you have ever seen and you can't be without them. That's why I kidnapped you ." He said with a look that said please believe me.

"Prove it transform right now." I said crossing my arms.

"Alright but don't freak out ok." He said and I heard his bones crack and transform fur started sprouting and then there stood a very large black wolf with green eyes. It was a beautiful creature. He walked towards me and put its hand down in submission. I petted its head and it purred under my touch. We sat there for a minute me just petting him as he laid in between my legs. I stopped telling him to change back. He changed back and there he stood in his naked glory. I covered my eyes.

"It's safe." He said and I put my hands down slowly.

"Werewolf this is crazy."

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