Chapter twelve - Time To Process

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Time To Process

Cole's POV

Becca waltzed away, with Leyla running after her. I stayed still for a minute, then started walking in no real direction at all.

As I walked, I wondered about what becca had said.

Were me and Leyla flirting? I doubted it, she'd punched me in the face on several occasions after all.

I shook my head to clear it of all my weird thoughts and decided to skip class for today. I walked out the doors and headed for the local town, deciding to just get a take away.

There was a large Chinese place just outside of town, and I stopped to check it out. It was a restaurant as well as a take away so I decided to eat in.

I sat down with my food and stared at the rain spattered windows, thinking deeply.

Did I like Leyla? I furrowed my brow, she wasn't the worst material for someone to like, she was pretty, intelligent, funny. Wait, I didn't like Leyla!

I nodded, as if satisfied with my conclusion. My forehead smoothed out and I focused on nothing but the oily Chinese food in front of me.

Once I was finished I dumped my carton in the bin then decided to get to know the town a little better.

I walked back into school around the end of fourth period, and decided to just skip straight to fifth. I had biology next, I grinned unexpectedly then frowned, why was I grinning?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and trudged to biology, still with a slight smile on my face.

I got to biology just in time for the bell to ring, and leaned against a wall outside the classroom. The seventh graders poured out and I barely glanced at them, making my way inside.

I made my way to my usual seat, leaning back and waiting for Leyla. I shook my head, dismissing the thought. Of course I wasn't waiting for Leyla, why would I care?

Leyla didn't come to biology so I sat staring out the window, bored of taking notes.

Leyla kept swirling around my mind and I jumped when the bell rang.

I decided to skip fifth period, walking to my apartment in a peaceful silence.

I trudged in, chucking my keys in a bowl on the side. My dad grunted from the sofa, and I sighed, walking over to him and turning the TV off.

He snored heavily and I grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch, chucking it over him and making my way into my room.

I decided to skip out on my homework and head out for the night.

I headed to the bar I worked at, deciding to get in a quick drink myself before my shift. Frankie, my friend, had hired me, and would never really fire me, despite many threats.

I waltzed in, calling for a pint of beer and decided to chat with frankie for a while.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" He greeted me with a fleeting smile before telling Yoanna to take over.

"Not much, yourself?" I shrugged. "Got a crazy girl after me." He laughed loudly, disrupting the slightly mournful atmosphere in the bar. I chuckled at him.

We talked for half and hour or so, then it was my shift. Frankie patted my back and handed me a cloth.

For the rest of the night, I worked and thought about what had happened that day. It had been a weird one, with so much happening and so little time to process it.

I walked home, enjoying the air and walking past some small suburban houses on the way to mine.

It was dark out, and I took a moment to check I was going the right way.

Someone jumped on me from behind and I yelled out in pain as I fell to the ground.


Hey guys!

Sorry, I know this chapter is REALLY bad, but I really couldn't think of anything else I wanted to go with. SORRY! Anyway, thank you to all who read and/or vote :) I LOVE YOU GUYS!



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