Chapter sixteen - Unlikely Defence

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Unlikely Defence

Cole's POV

I ran through the door, chucking my jacket to one side and smiling.

"Someone got laid." My dad's slurred voice sliced through the air. I glared at him. "Or not." He jibed, smirking.

"I'm not a man-whore, despite my leading example." I smirked right back, flourishing my hands to indicate him.

His face became blotchy with rage. "Ever since you joined that school boy, you've been arrogant and disrespectful! Watch your mouth you little tw*t!" He shouted, veins standing out on his forehead against his now purple face.

My eyes widened in shock, he hasn't been this angry since.. Since the dark days.

I backed away as I realised how angry he was, shaking in fear. He sneered, stomping towards then looming down at me, smirking.

He suddenly jumped towards me, making me jump back in fear, while he laughed his head off. He walked away, leaving me cowering, crying my eyes out.

I looked at my watch, crawling up to my room to sit there praying for school to start.

As soon as my watch showed the time I usually woke, I shot out of bed, tripping over my own feet to grab my bag and peer out the door.

He wasn't to be seen, a good sign.

I crept downstairs in stealth mode, watching out for any sign of him.

It seemed he had gone back to his usual habits, drinking and sleeping on the couch.

His snoring was soothing somehow, reminding me that he was still my dad, somewhere, deep down.

I sighed and cautiously approached him, taking a blanket and spreading it over his snoring figure. A beer bottle dropped from his hand to the floor, spilling all over my shoes.

I sighed, it felt like a bad day already.

I shook my head, banishing the negative thoughts and heading out the door. I ran back in to grab a random fruit then casually walked out, in no particular hurry.

I ate what turned out to be an apple on the way to school, thinking to my day ahead.

I smiled as I thought back to the previous day, and the strange things that had happened. I sighed, knowing it would take a lot to get her to open up again.

It was a cloudy day, just a patch of slightly dull blue sky to be seen.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I walked into a post.

A few people hanging around that I hadn't noticed before sniggered. I glared at them.

I shook my head and reorientated myself, walking past the school gates.

The sniggering guys followed me in, making me quicken my pace slightly, relaxing when the school building came into view.

They continued following me, it was a little disconcerting but I supposed everyone had to get to school in some way or another.

They slowly trickled away, one by one, and my shoulders relaxed a bit more.

I chuckled at my paranoid thoughts, shaking them off as nothing.

First class of the day was biology, and, as usual, I sat in my seat next to Leyla.

I waited for her, five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes. Half an hour into the lesson and she still hasn't turned up.

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