Chapter eleven - Oblivious

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Leyla's POV

Cole held me back, and I wildly flailed in his arms. "Calm down Leyla!" He said. Lucas and Harvey nodded in unison. "Leyla, we didn't mean any harm!" I raised my eyebrows, but calmed down nonetheless.

Cole slowly let go and I straightened up, brushing myself off.

I made the signs 'A-B-C' at Cole and he seemed to get it, he nodded and looked down at my hands.

'I' I pointed at myself 'H-A-T-E' I glared at Lucas for effect 'L-I-A-R-S' Lucas raised his eyebrows, then smirked as Cole translated slowly.

"Bringing that up now are we? I thought you didn't want Coley here to know?" I glared at him and clenched my fists tightly.

Cole stepped forward to intervene but I put a hand on his chest and just sent him a look. He seemed to get the point and backed away.

Lucas' smirk grew "Oh you know I could tell him EVERYTHING." He said, maliciously. I felt my eyes widen as he walked away.

Cole appeared in front of me. "You okay?" I rolled my eyes and his face returned from normal. "Trust you." I glared at him.

I started to walk away and he caught my arm and turned to me to face him. "What was he talking about?" I shook my head vigorously.

He didn't get the message.

"Leyla, what was he talking about?" He had me by the shoulders, and I was praying he would let go soon.

'N-O-T-H-I-N-G' I signed so the idiot could understand.

He nodded "Sure, whatever you say!" I scowled at him. "Seriously though, what is it?" I glared at him.

'N-O' he cocked his head to the side. "What?" I rolled my eyes. "As in what do you mean by 'no' idiot?" He replied.

I was slightly shocked that he called me and idiot and I punched him weakly on the shoulder. While we continued to bicker, neither of us noticed becca stood down the corridor.

"If I didn't know you any better Ley, I'd say you were flirting." She smirked. I scowled at her and started to properly sign so cole couldn't understand.

'Yeah right, be interested in him?!' I asked, glaring at her. She rolled her eyes 'You are allowed to flirt with people you know, it's not against the law.' I narrowed my eyes further.

'It's against what I promised her.' She looked taken aback that I had mentioned her and I hung my head slightly.

Throughout this, cole had a questioning look on his face that I could no longer ignore. I turned to him.

"What was all that about?" He voiced the question I knew he was just dying to narrate. I turned again to becca. 'Translate please?' She nodded.

'We're talking about how Lucas and Harvey are huge douschebags.' Becca smiled as she translated, she had never liked the pair.

"Come on, you've got to give them a second chance!" He commented. We both glared at him simultaneously and he rolled his eyes.

"You know, I'm beginning to think you don't have any looks other than glaring and rolling your eyes you know." I rolled my eyes before realising what I was doing and glared at him. He started laughing.

We were staring at him laughing which felt kinda creepy, but he got back up with a smile on his face. He looked at his watch "Ah dammit! Mr. Smith's gonna kill me!" He exclaimed, sprinting down the corridor and leaving us behind.

Becca turned to me, from watching his back. 'You were flirting with him you know.' I glared at her. 'Yeah right, and why would I do that?' She laughed at that and started to walk off, not before turning back one last time to say.

'You always were kind of oblivious Leyla.'


Hey guys!

Sorry for this being so late and short! I'm so sorry! Thank you all so much for reading and voting! :) I appreciate every single person that even TRIES my story :)



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