Chapter thirteen - Saviour

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Leyla's POV

I sat in my room, reading my favourite book. Everyone else was asleep, just the way I liked it.

I heard a noise and ignored it, I lived on a busy road, and you usually had one or two cars come along at this time of night.

More noises could be heard, and I began to grow worried, were we being burgled? I shook my head, telling myself I was just being silly.

Someone yelled out and I jumped out of my bed in worry.

Another yell sounded, and I raced downstairs. No-one was there, so it looked like the noise was coming from outside.

I crept to the window, careful to make as little noise as possible. I twitched the curtain open the tiniest bit and peeked out.

Someone was on top of someone else, and was throwing almighty punches their way.

My eyes widened, and I quickly looked up and down the street to see if anyone was coming to help them. There was no-one to be seen.

I thought for a moment and made a quick - and probably stupid - decision.

I ran out the door, an old cricket bat in hand. I approached quietly, but nevertheless the person's attacker saw me.

They grimaced and approached me, out of the shadows. I nearly gasped when I saw who it was.

I didn't have time to sign anything and he wouldn't understand, so I simply swung the cricket bat into his stomach.

I grabbed the person, dragging them into my house and setting them down on my sofa. I almost dialled 9-9-9 before I realised I wouldn't speak to them.

I turned to face the person I had 'saved' and when I saw him, I almost dropped the phone in shock.

It was Cole.

His attacker made sense now, and I face-palmed for not seeing it earlier.

I went to the kitchen to get the first aid kit, with him groaning as he woke up in the background.

I checked for the bruise cream, and smiled slightly as I found it, this should put him right, I thought.

I returned to the sitting room, unscrewing the lid of the bruise cream.

I tapped him a couple of times, to make sure he was awake, pointing to my hands as he nodded stiffly. 'W-H-E-R-E' I signed.

He seemed to understand as he pointed out his stomach and I nodded.

I took off his shirt and nearly gulped, taking in his defined six pack. I tried to ignore it and get on with the task at hand, but it was pretty hard to ignore when I had my hands all over it.

I finished up and put everything back, washing my hands.

'B-E-T-T-E-R' I signed. He nodded, then raised his own hands 'I H-A-V-E B-E-E-N W-O-R-K-I-N-G on my sign L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E' I nodded, impressed that someone had actually gone to that much trouble for me.

I sighed pushed him to lie down. 'S-L-E-E-P' I stated, and he nodded, too tired to argue.


"LEYLA!" I heard Dad shout from downstairs. I winced slightly.

I walked cautiously down the stairs, walking in the sitting room where we were both faced with the dilemma of a snoring Cole.

'Yeah Dad?' I signed tentatively. He frowned at me. "What exactly is the meaning of this?" He asked, infuriated.

I bit my lip and looked down at my hands, knowing that he only really spoke to me when he was TRULY angry.

'He got attacked' I stated simply. Dad snorted. "Like I'm going to believe that." Cole began to stir.

'Dad, it's true!' I signed angrily. He glared at me. "Then why is his shirt off?!" I glared at him.

'Because that's where the bruises are.' I signed coldly, stalking out and leaving Dad to find out for himself that it was true.

Ten minutes later, Cole walked in, still shirtless.

My jaw nearly dropped.

I chastised myself, shaking my head and making us both some cereal. It was silent for a while, and I set the cereal down on the table where he sat.

We ate in silence, him because he was thinking, and me because of the usual reason.

After breakfast, he started to slowly gather his things. It wasn't much, just his shoes, bag and shirt.

As he walked out of the sitting room, with me stood there in the doorway, there was an awkward moment where he turned to me, opened his mouth as if to say something, then simply nodded.

He walked through the hallway and opened the door, but just before it closed, his foot caught it suddenly.

His head peeked through the door. "Thanks Leyla." To which I nodded and smiled slightly.


Hey guys!

So yeah, I know this chapter isn't any great shakes or anything, but I wanted to get one out cause I officially have 175 READS!! This is very exciting news :D!! Anyway, so sorry it's short and rubbish, but I really wanted to get this chapter done so I can get on to the next chapter, which will (hopefully) be EPIC!! Thank you all so much for reading!



P.S This is for Shanaynay1D who's stories ARE amazing, no matter what she says!

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