Chapter nine - Big mistake

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Big mistake

Leyla's POV

I walked to class, and texted becca, uncaring about how my teacher warned to take it off of me. I rolled my eyes then frowned when becca said she was ill.

Cole walked up to me, I looked at him with disdain and started signing fast, knowing he couldn't understand me.

'W-H-A-T' he asked in his clumsy version of sign language.

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, walking out of the classroom after sending everyone a glare to make sure her seat was kept clear.

He rushed after me and I turned to face him, putting one hand on my hip. He started to improvise his sign.

He pointed to me then did the universal 'ok' sign and raised his eyebrows as a question mark. I glared at him and stormed off, knowing he wouldn't understand my words nor my sarcasm.

"Leyla!" He yelled after me. I turned around to face him and glared at him 'W-H-A-T' I signed, so even the idiot would understand.

He grinned when I stopped but quickly stopped when he saw I was glaring at him.

"I know." He said. I felt shocked. 'W-H-O' I signed, literally shaking with fury. He took a few steps away from me when he saw how mad I seemed and I started pacing fast and furiously. He remained silent.

'W-H-O' I spelled out once again, stalking towards him, he started backing away slightly until his bravado kicked in and he stopped and stood tall.

"Some guys, they told me all about her." I was still shaking furiously and I tried to calm myself down. It didn't work.

'W-H-O' he kicked his pride up a notch and smirked at me.

That was the last straw.

My hands started clenching and unclenching. NOBODY needs to know! She's dead! Gone! He doesn't need to know! I thought, vehemently.

My self control let itself go and I threw the first punch.

I remained silent as always and let the rage take over, pummelling him at any angle I could reach. My hands, feet, nails and anything else that could get at him joined in and I only saw red.


I'm gonna skip here.


"Leyla." The head teacher gestured to the seat in front of him. My hands remained by my sides, despite the translator that had been brought in especially.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, before his expression turned grim. "I know exactly what you did to Cole."

I looked into his eyes and glared at him. 'Was it YOU?' I signed, and the woman sat beside me asked me to repeat it before translating it back.

He looked taken aback and I was satisfied that it wasn't him. "Was what me Leyla?" My gaze softened slightly when I took in that he had genuinely no idea what had started the fight. It hardened again when I remembered what had started the fight.

'Someone told him.' He put his head in his hands and didn't look at me when he next spoke. "Leyla, I understand, I really do, you two were closer than any, but you can't start this every time." He stated.

The translator looked between us curiously, but my furious glare stopped her from asking any questions.

He rubbed his forehead, before asking the translator to send Cole in. He came in, looking beaten and bruised. My punches hadn't made that much of an effect, but enough for a black eye and a few cuts and bruises.

He looked shocked and I turned to glare at him, he very well shouldn't be shocked.

"Now Leyla, Cole has agreed to drop all charges against you, but we can't just ignore an offence like this." I glared at Cole and he looked confused as to why I was glaring at him.

"So now we need to actually hear Cole's side of the story before we decide any punishment." I rolled my eyes at the head teacher's words, but agreed under his stern glare.

He explained his side of the story and it was my turn to look confused, what was he on about?


Hi guys!

Sorry it's short, rubbish, and such a suspenseful ending but thank you for reading! We got one hundred readers! WOO! Thank you so much for all the comments, votes, reads and (I genuinely don't believe it) FANS! Thank you all so much for reading this :)



P.S A special thank you to everyone who bothered to fan me (DayDan, paubxrt, rememberme77 and especially shanaynay1d for giving me the inspiration) go check out their stories, they're awesome!

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