Chapter nineteen - Depressed

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Leyla's POV

I sat down on my bed, my crappy headphones jammed in my ears blaring Fall Out Boy. I frowned. Tomorrow was the day.

The music took me away a little and I sighed, I knew where I'd be going the next day.

I reached over, grabbing the photo album off of my bedside table. I flicked through it, reminiscing.

I lingered on a picture of me and Emily. I rubbed my eyes, feeling the heavy purple bags beneath them.

I felt my stomach. The little bit of weight I had gained recently had dropped off sharply and I frowned. I needed to gain a little more or I'd go back. Permanently.

I got a text from becca. I picked it up, smiling slightly, welcoming the distraction. I quickly stopped.

It read 'Sorry can I skip tomorrow? Got a date with Cole!'

I blinked a few times, more tears flowing freely against my cheeks now. I felt betrayed. It had been what we did, every year, on this day.

It was just what we did.

I slammed the phone down on my desk angrily. How dare they?

I picked it back up angrily. Deciding on what I would do. I texted him, smiling. I would forget it all.


I arrived at his doorstep - at her doorstep - quickly with my notepad and a couple of bottles of vodka.

He simply nodded at me. I pushed past him. I automatically started for her room, but quickly changed it to his.

I crashed on his bed, and he selected a CD from his collection, turning it up.

"TURN DOWN THAT RACKET." Jess shouted. Lucas yelled back "SHUT UP MUM!"

"Old hag.." He muttered.

I turned it up a little louder. Lucas smiled. "So, tomorrow, huh?" He asked, twiddling his thumbs.

I gave him a deadpan look, scribbling 'Shut up and drink' on my sketchbook. I did a little drawing of him as a stick man drinking the vodka.

He chuckled, ruffling my hair like he always did. He brought us up two shot glasses, pouring it in.

It was cheap, and you could tell, but it could make me drunk and by god it would.

I swayed slightly to the music, the beat making me sway from side to side slowly.

Lucas poured us more shots and I gladly accepted. I smiled, the cheap vodka already affecting me.

After two more shots Lucas and I were officially wasted. The bottle was nearly empty, and I drank the rest straight out of the bottle.

We started dancing to the blaring music. I giggled as the music seemed to get louder and louder.

We started dancing together, a make-shift waltz. My giggling started to stop as time slowed down.

Lucas got closer and closer, and we both closed our eyes. He kissed me, softly at first.

I kissed him back.


Hey nobody!

I'm so sorry, but I've been on holiday in another country. SORRY. I appreciate that literally nobody is reading this anymore, but if you do read this and vote it would be amazingly appreciated!



Ps. Sorry this was REALLY short. Will update again soon, but I'm going to be on holiday! Seeya!

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