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(Narrator's POV)

Dr Mark Ryson sat in an office in Surf City Psychiatric Center with the newest admission to the facility who had just arrived the previous day involuntarily.

"So I'm the psychiatrist here and it's nice to finally get a chance to speak with you. Really, since this is our first meeting, I don't expect you to open up right away, but the point of our meeting is to see where your mindset is after being brought in here. So let's start out with something simple: How did you end up being brought here?" He asked as the new admission began telling the story:


Steven sat in the house by himself under directions from Dr Maheswaren. That alone made him worry: Why would she call him just to tell him that? Something didn't sit right with the hybrid. Almost like something had happened and no one was telling him, which is the story of his life at this point.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Opening it, Steven was confused at who he saw: A police officer. What was going on?

"Hello Steven. I came here because your father let us know that you needed to be somewhere where you can get some help. Him and your doctor filed an order to have you taken to Surf City Psychiatric Center." The officer said as Steven looked hurt and confused.

"What?!? But why?!? I'm fine! I don't need to be locked up somewhere like an animal!" He exclaimed.

"Whoa. Easy there, Steven! This isn't jail or anything! It's a place that has people there that want to help you. It's not a bad thing, I promise. And your father only wanted to do this because he's worried about you. From what I understand, you crashed a van recently while the two of you were in it and have been having some outbursts? That's something that needs to be taken care of before it gets worse." The officer said.

Steven couldn't believe it. How could his Dad and Doctor Maheswaren do this to him? How could they just go behind his back and have him committed like this. Were the Gems in on it too?

Nevertheless, the hybrid knew he could probably get out of this but he knew it would only make things worse. So he willingly went with the officer, getting in the car as the two of them got in the car and drove off. Thankfully thanks to the tinted windows, no one could see it was him as they passed by, but it still felt humiliating and painful to go through this.

"Why would they do this to me? Did...they want me gone all along? Was this....planned? I can't believe this....I can't believe them...." Steven said as they drove off to Surf City.....

(Present Day)

"It hurts, I know. But please understand that your father and doctor did that for your own good. Crashing a van and having outbursts toward your family is something that needs to be dealt with before it gets too far out of hand. But believe me: You work with me in here and I'll work with you to get you back home, Steven. We'll talk again soon." Dr Ryson said as Steven left the office and headed back to his room to be alone with his thoughts.

But unbeknownst to him, a certain young lady was watching him with a smirk on her face.

What do you guys think so far? Yep, Steven's been sectioned and committed to a psychiatric center due to his old man and Dr Maheswaren. More on them next chapter! See ya then!







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