Chapter 2

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(Narrator's POV)

Back at Surf City Psychiatric Center....

"Hey Steven. Your doctor called. She wanted to let you know your family loves and misses you. I know you probably don't believe it, know...just wanted you to know. People are on your side, kid." Unit Leader James Fletcher said to Steven, who said nothing in reply as the man sighed.

"Steven. I know you don't want to even think about your family or anyone on the outside. But you know you have people outside of here that only wanna see you get better. No one wants you to be cooped up in here." James said as Steven simply walked away.

"That kid needs something to pick him up. I don't think I've ever seen any other patient like this. Not even that one girl Luna. Speaking of her, someone needs to go get her. It's almost time for group therapy." James said as he prepared his activity for the group therapy before rounding up any patients that were around.

Meanwhile, Steven was soon sitting in the multipurpose room by himself. The radio was playing "Like a Stone" by Audioslave. The voice of the late Chris Cornell had the hybrid in a meditative state of mind as his mind drifted back to the day he was taken in. But before he could get very far in his thoughts....

"Hey Steven. You can listen to music after group. Come on, Superstar." James said, having nicknamed the hybrid "SuperStar" as a way of trying to get him to open up. But as it stood, it only seemed to annoy him.

"Why do you call me that when you can tell it annoys me?" Steven asked as James chuckled.

"It gets your attention, doesn't it? Let me go round up everyone else." The man said as he took off.

After James left, a young man came in and saw Steven and raised an eyebrow.

"You're Steven, right? Got something to talk to you about. Something that might interest you." He said.

"Why would I care? I don't know you and you don't know me. What could you have to say that could possibly be anything---?" Steven began to ask until the boy quickly flashed his Gem on his chest.

"Because I'm like you. I know how it feels. Anyway, we'll talk more in a bit. Luna should be here soon too. She's getting ready." Drake said as Steven was bewildered but intrigued nonetheless.

A while later, other people came in the room for the group therapy lead by Mr James. But it was easy to tell everyone was waiting for it to be done.

"All right. Everyone, I think this the first time all of us have been in group therapy since each of you have arrived, so let's get to know each other, shall we? How about you first, Levi?" James said to a dark haired boy who chuckled.

"Fine. I'm Levi Nolan and I hate my life. The end." Levi said as everyone laughed as James sighed and put a hand to his temple. This wasn't starting out like he'd hoped it would.

"Alright then. Anyone else want to---?" He began to say until a girl came in the room with a worried look on her face.

"Mr James. They need you. It's a Code Red on Unit 3." She said as James looked worried as the alarm went off. Without a single word, James rushed off as the girl smiled.

"Well then. That'll keep them busy for a while. Perfect time for us to get acquainted, Steven Universe. My name is Luna Rennet. And as you may have already heard...*pulls down her shirt enough to show her Gem* I'm a hybrid like you. So are the other guys in here like Drake and Levi over there. We're a tight group." Luna said as Steven looked at the other guys and other girl.

"Well you know me already. But let me introduce you: This here's Levi Nolan. His Mom was a Citrine and he's got some sick electric powers. He's the one who knocked out the cameras and made that false alarm." Drake said as Levi got up and took a bow as another guy spoke.

"Name's Logan Spears. My Mom was an Agate. Fire Agate to be exact. So I'm a born warrior, I guess." A guy with red hair said.

"My name's Gavin Price. My Mom was an Amethyst. So yeah. Nice to meet you." A boy with jet black hair said.

"Um...hello. My name's Cindy Campbell. My Mom was an Opal. I have light based powers. So I'm kinda the opposite of Luna. It's nice to meet you, Steven..." A shy brunette girl said while blushing.

"Aw. Someone has a crush. Anyway, my name is Luna as you already know. My Gem is a Moonstone. So naturally, I prefer the darkness, you could say." Luna said with a smirk.

Steven was silent for a moment before  smiling. It was the first time he'd smiled since being brought in here  and it was comforting to see he wasn't as alone as he thought he was.

"Well. You know who I am but as for my Gem....." He began to say until  another girl with red hair came in. She looked like the "bad girls" that his Aunt Vidalia once warned him about. The type that looked good but would get you in all types of trouble.

"A Diamond. Pink Diamond, am I right? Nice to finally meet the famous Steven Universe. Name's Callie Turner and I'm a hybrid of a Gem that I personally saw you kick the ass of. Got a nice view of it from the forest path from my house." She said as Steven gasped.

"You're a Jasper hybrid? And you saw me.....?" He began to say.

"Sure did. And I like what I saw. And I can't wait to see more of it. In fact, you're going to be a big part of this little plan." Callie said as Steven was confused.

"What plan?" He asked as Luna chuckled.

"You want to get out of here, don't you? Well that's what we're going to do. We're busting out of here." She said.

What do you guys think of the hybrids? And what's the escape plan? Well that'll have to wait till later because next chapter we check back in with the crew in Beach City. See ya then!







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