Chapter 3

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(Narrator's POV)

"Connie, please just listen. I know you're upset with me over this but I was only thinking of Steven's best interests. I know you care about him and want him to be as healthy as possible. So I felt like I was doing it for you in a way, as well." Priyanka said as  Connie just glared at her.

"Really? You're going to use my relationship with Steven as a way to justify this? I'm not an idiot, Mom. I know you're only saying that to make yourself feel less guilty. You know this wasn't the right thing to do. Now thanks to you, Steven may want nothing to do with me when he comes home." She said as Priyanka shook her head and walked out her daughter's room.

"You know...I really was doing this for Steven's own good. He's done so much for you and everyone else and no one's thought of him. And that includes you at times. So it honestly surprises me a bit that you're so against this. I know why that is....but this isn't about you. It's about Steven's well being, something you nor his family have ever seemed to consider." Priyanka said as she walked out of Connie's room, leaving the girl even more angry than before.

(Meanwhile back at Surf City Psychiatric Center....)

"A plan to get out of here? You're not suggesting we just punch a hole through the wall and leave, are you? They'd still come after us." Steven said, still in slight disbelief that these hybrids have a plan to escape the facility.

Granted, any of them COULD, especially Steven himself. After all, it was highly unlikely any of the staff had means of stopping the Diamond hybrid's Gem State. But while thoughts of doing that DID come through his mind, the strong possiblity that he'd be on the run also ran through his mind.

"Don't you think I've planned this out? Of course we aren't just going to break the wall. That would not only set off a shit ton of alarms, but we'd have a bunch of heat on our asses. This is going to require a bit more brains than brawn." Luna said.

"Then why am I even a part of it? I like using brawn. It's fun." Callie said as Levi shook his head.

"Because you know damn well you hate it here as much as we do. Besides, Luna needs an angry wall of woman meat to protect her." He said as Callie glared at him before chuckling.

"Angry wall of woman meat? Yeah. I can do that. But call me that again and I'll turn your face into ground meat, Nolan." She said as Levi flipped her the bird with a smirk.

Steven wasn't used to being around these kind of teens. But oddly enough? He didn't seem to mind it at all. In fact, the more he listened to them, the better he felt. He couldn't tell you why, but it felt like he truly found a group where he belonged.

"I'll help however I can. What's the plan?" Steven said as Luna looked at him and smiled.

"Really? Wow. Didn't think it be that easy. Why so suddenly, Steven?" She asked as Steven sighed.

"I'd rather not go into it. Let's just say I was pretty much stabbed in the back by people I trusted and anything they would have to say about me being part of a plan to escape from here....none of it would matter to me. That's just how upset I was when my Dad had me put in here." The hybrid said as Cindy moved closer to him and put an arm around him.

"Damn that's rough. Your old man sounds like a real piece of work. Let me guess: He said it was for "your own good" or whatever it is they say when they put people in here?" Gavin asked as Steven shook his head

"I don't know. I didn't get a chance to talk to him before I was brought in here. But knowing my Dad and Dr Maheswaren, probably what was said. I really don't care what either of them would say." He said as a thought struck Callie.

"Wait. Maheswaren? Shit, I know a Maheswaren. But she ain't no doctor. Her Mom is though. We talking about a lady with probably the largest ass you've ever seen?" She asked as Steven blushed a bit.

"Uh... considering she's my girlfriend's Mom? I never really looked back there. You know....due to her being my girlfriend's Mom and all...." He replied as Callie laughed.

"Hold on: Your girlfriend? Wait....oh shit! Now I DEFINITELY know who you are! You're the Steven Universe that Connie Maheswaren brat was always going on about! Ah man, if you only knew...." She said as Luna chuckled.

"The minute he said Maheswaren, I knew. Steven, let me tell you something: Connie isn't someone I'd date. For all you know, she probably went along with your old man and Dr Maheswaren to get you in here. Just saying: There are better girls out there for a guy like you." She said.

"How do you two even know Connie to begin with?" Steven asked.

"Are you kidding? We go to the same school. Me and Callie are her upperclass-women. In other words, we're in a higher grade than her. And I'll say this: She has a LOT of guys giving her attention. I don't want to accuse anyone of cheating but at some point, suspicions can be raised." Luna said as Callie scoffed.

"Oh please: Come out and say it. That Connie brat has been with one of those guys behind Steven's back!" She said as Steven felt his temper rise.

"What?!?" He snapped as his skin turned an angry Pink.

"Easy, Steven! Save that for when it's needed! For now, let's go over the plan:

Phase 1: I'll see Dr Ryson tomorrow and convince him to sign our discharge papers. Don't worry. My powers will handle him.

Phase 2:Once our discharge is finalized, Levi will use his powers to cause a power surge, shutting off the alarms and unlocking the doors.

Phase 3:We walk outta here through the back door in the confusion and no one is the wiser.

" the most simple plan I've ever heard. No seriously. I was expecting something more elaborate from you, Luna." Cindy said as Luna chuckled.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now let's put the kibosh on this talk for now. I can hear Mr James coming back." She said as the group ceased the conversation.

The Plan is Set! Will it come to fruition?

See ya next chapter!







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