Chapter 10

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(Narrator's POV)

After her plan failed, Connie was at a loss on what to do, especially since it was clear Steven didn't trust her or the Gems at all. Sure, they knew the truth about what Luna was doing, but how would they get Steven to believe them? Especially after all the lies he's had to hear from the Gems in the past?

"There has to be someone Steven will listen to. It's clear he doesn't trust us enough to listen to us and I can't say I blame him for that. But that Luna can't be allowed to just keep doing what she's doing to him and those other hybrids." Pearl said as Greg racked his brain.

"But who would Steven be willing to listen to? Who does he trust enough? A couple of years ago, I'd say it's you, Garnet. But now, I'm not so sure." He said as Garnet sighed.

"In Steven's mind and eyes, I'm no different than Pearl. Mainly due to my lapse in judgement when it comes to the arguments him and Pearl have had in the past. I wasn't taking sides. At least that's not how I saw it. I just wanted peace between them and for them to understand where the other was coming from. But Steven saw it as me taking Pearl's side. And when you add in the time where Blue Diamond kidnapped you, Greg, that just widens the gap between Steven and I. But there has to be someone he's willing to listen to." The fusion said as a thought struck Amethyst.

"Wait. Bismuth. What about her? Steven seems to trust her and he respects her enough to where he's willing to listen to her. Why not ask her to talk to him?" The Purple Gem suggested.

"Amethyst, that's brilliant! If anyone can get through to Steven, it's Bismuth. But even if that's the case, we don't know where Steven could be heading or where he is now." Pearl said as Garnet smiled.

"I saw where he's most likely to go. But we have to find Bismuth, so she can get to him in time. Let's go." The fusion said as they all headed to Little Homeworld to find the Builder Gem.

Once they arrived at Little Homeworld, it didn't take long to find Bismuth. But once Garnet explained the situation, a look of pure annoyance came over the Builder Gem's face and it was directed at Greg and Priyanka.

"So lemme get this straight: Steven's only in this state of mind because you two did what you did?" She asked. But before Greg or Priyanka could utter a word, they had to avoid an angry hammer swing from Bismuth!

"This is all your fault! If you two hadn't forced Steven into that, he wouldn't be in the state of mind he's in right now!!!!" The Builder Gem snapped as Greg and Priyanka shrunk back in fear, prompting Garnet to step in.

"Bismuth, please. This isn't helping. You must talk to Steven while he's still in the area." The fusion said as Connie looked at her.

"In the area? You mean he's nearby?" She asked as Garnet nodded.

"He's right outside the skating rink. And he's alone. This is the best chance we've got." The fusion said as Bismuth nodded and hurried off to the skating rink to find Steven. Once she got there, sure enough, she saw him standing outside the rink.

"Steven! Hey! Over here!" Bismuth called out as Steven looked and saw her. Needless to say, he was happy to see her.

"Bismuth? Hey, what are you doing here? It's nice to see a friendly face. But be honest with me: Did the Gems send you?" The hybrid asked as Bismuth sighed.

"I can't lie to you, Steven: They want me to help you but after hearing the situation and what your Dad and Connie's Mom did, I don't blame you for not wanting to see them. I wouldn't want to either. Why do you think I stay at Little Homeworld instead of the Temple? I love Pearl and Garnet but I have a new home. Besides, let's be honest: Lapis and Peridot wouldn't be able to function without me there keeping an eye on them." She said with a laugh, causing Steven to laugh too. It was the first time in quite a while the hybrid has been able to genuinely laugh.

"Thanks, Bismuth. This... actually does make me feel better. It's just nice to hear it from someone else who knows how the Gems are and doesn't see them as being unable to be wrong. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive them, but at least now I can move on." Steven said as Bismuth smiled.

"Glad to hear it. So what's the deal with this new group you seem to be running with these days?" She asked as Steven told her all about Luna and the other hybrids, causing Bismuth to gasp.

"No way. One of the Psy Ops Specialists from Homeworld had a kid? Never saw that coming." She said, confusing Steven.

"Psy Ops? What do you mean?" He asked.

"Yeah. They can go invisible, control shadows and even read minds. The strongest of Moonstones could even control the minds of others but they needed an "in" to do that. The person had to be stressed or deeply emotional. Something to weaken their mental defenses, ya know?" Bismuth explained as Steven went silent for a moment.

"Sorry, Steven. I went off topic. So what's this Luna like?" Bismuth asked as a bunch of thoughts were running through Steven's mind. But one thought connected them all:

Luna was not at all what she seemed. After all, why didn't she tell him she could read and control minds? And it's not like he had any reason to not believe Bismuth, especially since she'd have fought them in the war.

But with that, things start to fall into place in Steven's mind:

If Luna can read and control minds, what if the group acts the way it does becasue she wants them to act that way? And how much of what he's done has been him, and how much has been Luna controlling him?

Has she been controlling him? Surely not... but how would he know?

"Bismuth. Have you ever been mind controlled by a Moonstone during the War?" Steven asked as Bismuth nodded.

"More times than I'd like to admit. Why?" She asked.

"What's it like?" Steven asked.

"Well you go blank. You don't act like yourself and do things you wouldn't normally do. Like someone else is controlling you or speaking and acting through you. Then when it's all over, you go back to your senses but a lot of times, you find out from other people how you were." Bismuth explained as Steven gasped.

"So that means....." The hybrid began to say.

"What is it?" Bismuth said.

"I have to think about this. But I'm going to fly solo for a while. I'm not going back to Luna and the others." Steven said.

"Then why don't you come home? I'm not saying you have to go back to the Temple but at least be nearby in case something happens. Besides, Lapis and Peridot have been worried and you know they'd love to see you." Bismuth said as Steven smiled.

"Alright. Not like I have anywhere else to go. Besides, it'll be good to see them." The hybrid said as he followed Bismuth back to Little Homeworld.

Steven's heading to Little Homeworld! Looks like Bismuth got through to him! But what will happen once Luna catches wind of this?

See ya next chapter!







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