Chapter 5

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(Narrator's POV)

"What? He's not there? Left with who?!? Discharged?!! Yes I know once the discharge papers are finalized, then he's out of your hands, but this isn't.... gah! I don't have time for this! I have to tell his family this!!" Priyanka exclaimed as she was talking with Dr Ryson over the phone and now was aware of Steven's escape.

"Did I hear that right?!? Steven's not at the facility anymore?!? He ESCAPED?!? Where did he go, Priyanka?!? Where is my baby?!?" Pearl exclaimed as Priyanka shook her head.

"This is insane. Apparently there was a power surge and once the lights came back on, Steven was gone along with a group of other patients who were also finalized for discharge. This can't be a coincidence. But that's not important. We have to find him. I'll talk to Doug. Hopefully he can put aside his anger towards me to put out an APB." She said as Connie had overheard and was glaring at her mother with pure anger and hurt in her eyes.

"Connie, dear. We'll find him--" Priyanka began to say...

"If something happens to Steven.....I'll never forgive you, Mom!!!" Connie snapped as she tearfully stormed away, leaving Priyanka even more stressed.

"She's angry at me. And I can't blame her. This is my fault. I.....*sighs* Steven's done so much for Connie. And all I wanted was to do whatever I could to help him as a way of thanking him. She has more confidence and a better life because of him. That's why I couldn't stand seeing someone who my daughter loves and admires so much in such a condition. But....I suppose I pushed too hard. I overstepped my boundaries as both a parent and a doctor. And now I have to make it right." The woman said as she got on the phone and called her husband.

(Meanwhile with Steven and the other hybrids)

"This is the place. Big, ain't it?" Levi said with a smirk as Steven was in a bit of shock. It was a massive complex. The kind that could hold several different places in it.

"Hey, Levi! There you are!" A tall red haired male said as he approached the group. This must be Levi's friend.

"Hey. Seamus. What's up, you Irish bastard? Thanks in advance for letting us crash here." Levi said as Seamus laughed.

"Ah don't mention it, lad. Figure you lot could use some decent food after being force fed whatever that looney bin was dishing out. Come on in, ya escapees. But who's this guy? New friend of yours, lad?" He asked looking at Steven

"Yeah. This here's Steven Universe. He's our new friend. He's in the same boat as we are." Levi said as Steven gave a small smile.

"Um...nice to meet you sir." He said as Seamus laughed.

"Ah get outta here with that "sir" stuff, lad. Any friend of Levi's is a friend of mine. So you're more than welcome here. And if what Levi's says is any indication, you've had it pretty rough yourself. Anyway, come on in, the lot of you and get settled in." He said as the group followed Seamus inside the complex. Massive it indeed was. Not only was there a full Bar and Grill, but also several residential rooms.

"While I get the grub ready, you guys help Steven get settled in. Take him to one of the open rooms, Levi." Seamus said as the group led Steven to a room. Well calling it a room would be inaccurate. It was the equivalent of a high end suite.

"Get settled in, Steven. Meet us down in the arcade once you're set, alright? Come on, guys." Drake said as he and the others headed out to let Steven get settled in. Once they left, the hybrid looked at his new surroundings and smiled in relief. While he knew in the back of his mind that going back to Beach City was inevitable, he was intent on just enjoying what was in front of him while he had the chance.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Opening the door, Steven saw Seamus.

"Heya, Steven. Mind if I talk to you for a minute, lad?" He asked as Steven nodded.

"What is it?" He asked as Seamus smiled.

"Listen. I've known Levi for a good while. And I'll just say it: Just by looking at you, you seem like you've got better wiring in your noggin than he or any of the others do. I know you just got here and I ain't one for giving orders or telling people how to live their lives. But just don't let any of them cause you to step in something you can't scrape off your boot, alright? Especially Luna. Something ain't right about that lass. But enough! Get washed up because the food's almost ready, lad." He said before leaving.

But it made Steven wonder what on Earth he could possibly mean. Was there more to his new friends than he thought?

For now? He could only speculate.

See ya next chapter!






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