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(Narrator's POV)

(Back in Beach City)

Connie sighed as she read a book in her room. But stopped as she saw a pebble hit her window. Looking down, she saw none other than Steven holding a bouquet of flowers and a card. Not wasting a moment, Connie rushed down to the front door and opened it and there he was. Not even caring that her mother and father were watching, the teen girl planted a big kiss on Steven's lips before wrapping him up in a hug, elated that he was back in her arms.

"Connie, I'm sorry. For everything. Ruining your party, almost killing you.....I....I don't know what else to say other than asking for your forgiveness." Steven said as Connie wouldn't let go of him.

"All this time, I've never once been mad at you. Just worried. I love you so much, Steven Universe. And I always will." Connie said as the two of them shared another kiss as Priyanka and Doug looked on, smiles on both their faces.

"Steven. Good to see you. And.....I'm sorry as well. All of this happened because of me overstepping my boundaries as both a parent and a doctor. It's've done so much for Connie from Day 1. I just couldn't stand seeing someone she loves so much in such a condition. But I should have given you a choice and not forced you into something you never wanted." Priyanka said as Steven smiled.

"It's all right. You were only trying to help me and I understand that. You...and Dad were. I was just upset because it was behind my back. And I felt like he betrayed me." He said as Connie hugged him.

"If it's any consolation, Connie never let me hear the end of it. She loves you, Steven. And I can easily see why. But I think there are some other people who'd like to see you, as hard as it might be for you to put aside your anger towards them. But it's the only way you'll be able to heal and you know that." Priyanka said as Steven sighed, knowing who she meant.

"Come on..I'll come with you." Connie said as she and Steven got on Lion and headed to Little Homeworld.

(Little Homeworld)

Once they arrived, at Little Homeworld, Steven saw them: Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. And after a long silence between them, the hybrid embraced them in hug, one they were only too happy to reciprocate. No words needed to be said: It was clear all was forgiven.

"I'm glad things are settled with you guys. We missed you, Steven. So how did it go with Luna?" Connie asked as Steven sighed.

"She's still out there somewhere. Before we could confront her, she was already gone. But I don't think we've seen the last of her." The hybrid said as Amethyst scoffed.

"Not surprised she took off once she realized she was busted. Next time she shows up? We'll be ready for her." The Purple Gem said as Steven looked at Connie and smiled.

"But....I still feel bad for what happened with your Sweet 16. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" He asked as Connie giggled.

"Welllll.....I'm just glad to have you home, but since you asked......" The girl began to say as she looked at the smirking Gems.

"On second thought? Let's talk about it in private, Steven." She said as Steven smiled and followed her back to the hybrid's room, much to the disappointment of Amethyst.

"Aww! That's no fun! What do you have planned for him, Connie? How you gonna leave us out the loop like that?" The Purple Gem exclaimed as Pearl and Garnet shook their heads and chuckled.

They, like everyone else, were just happy to have Steven back home.

(A distance away)

"Trust me, Steven. You haven't seen the last of me." Luna said with a chuckle as she faded back into the shadows......

And that's the end. I know a lot of you probably wanted to see Luna get her comeuppance, but I decided to pull a Cowboy Bebop on y'all when it comes to that. Besides, it leaves the door open for a potential continuation, now doesn't it? Heh .

Also as far as if Steven forgives Greg? That's up to your imaginations. On that particular topic, forgiveness is not definite nor obligatory, so I'll leave it up to the readers on whether or not Steven forgave Greg.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who enjoyed this story! See ya!







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