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The familiar taste of the coffee warmed my lips. It was such a welcoming taste in the morning, especially now.

"Good morning." His deep sleepy voice rang. I turned slowly knowing he'd be standing in the doorway.

"Hey." I said with a small smile on my face. All my smiles seemed faked now.

"We're still on for tonight right?" He asked me pushing the hair out of his eyes. I smiled at him as I nodded taking another sip from my coffee. I stretched my toes onto the window sill feeling the pull into my muscles.

"Yeah, we gotta see Skye anyways." I said smiling at the thought of her. My little baby Skye. His deep voice chuckled as he left my room. As the door shut I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I felt the sun shine on my cheeks but I could barely feel the warmth. Much like how I've been feeling lately. I smirked shaking my head, not those thoughts again. I stood up from the bed placing my warm coffee down on the window sill. It was time to see Skye. Instantly my mood changed as I began to strip off my sleeping shirt, feeling the crisp air of the morning.

"Breakfast is ready!" His voice called from the kitchen, I nodded responding,

"Alright! I'm getting dressed. You should too!" I shouted pulling over a new shirt. The white material hung over my body, I smiled. Ever since then I've taken care of myself, and I was honestly so proud of it. I skipped over to my dresser pulling out some jeans and slipped them over my legs. Once I slipped on my converse I was running to the kitchen, I could smell the food all the way from my room. I grabbed my plate and cup of Orange juice placed so nicely for me.

"You good there?" He asked with an obvious hint of humor in his voice. I nodded being that the eggs and bacon were stuffed in my mouth. His laugh radiated into the kitchen and a smile fell onto my face.

"So, how did you sleep?" I asked finally swallowing my mouthful of food. His smile radiated off his tanned skin,

"Great. The bed was comfy." He commented taking a seat across from me. His tall frame only shrinking mere inches.

"It's a cute little place right?" I added looking around the room. I Was quite proud of myself, so much has changed.

"I'm proud of you Naomi." he said breaking the silence. I looked up smiling,

"Thank you Alex." I said as I picked up our plates.

"I know you don't like talking about him. But seriously, you're better off without him." Alex said as I passed by him. His warm voice echoed throughout my mind. I stopped, were things really better without him? "You have your life together now, you're an independent women Naomi." Alex finished walking to my side. "Come on, let's go see Skye." I smiled nodding my head.

"Yeah, Skye." I muttered placing the dishes in the sink. Alex and I walked to my car, my new car. He was right everything changed, but I'm still unsure if my life is truly together. In the face of everyone I did a complete 360, but to me it feels like a 180. I know deep inside there's still something missing.

Falling For You  // M.H. //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang