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"Do you ever wonder what it's like to not be famous?"
The words of an idiot reporter entered my mind,
"Ehm..I suppose I do. I mean we all knew what that was like, so it gives us perspective." I responded watching the rest of the mates nod their heads

The rest of this interview went on as normal questions about the album, the tour, if we had any girls. I snorted at the questions but thankfully George announced his marriage to Jordan, which resulted in many many boring questions about them. As long as I didn't have to answer her tedious annoying questions. I let my mind race, taking me away from this dreadful press conference.
I was thinking of her. As per usual, no one else and nothing else went through my mind as much as she does. I asked Nick earlier how she was doing and she painfully responded just fine without you.

I refused to believe that sh.it. She missed me, possibly as much as i do. I know it, I feel it. She couldn't lie to me, never to me. The press conference ended finally and I retreated to my car heading to the studio.
"Hey Matty, you okay?" Adam asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked over into his concerned eyes,
"Yeah..just a lot on my mind." I said giving a small smirk. Leave it to Hann the mother hen to know when you're hurting.
"Let's get this rehearsal done I have an angry fiancé waiting for me at the flat." George said picking up his guitar. Oh how I longed for Naomi to be my angry fiancé, waiting for me back at our place. I imagined her pacing back and forth sending me angry messages calling me a wanker and a twat. I smiled as the intro to UGH! spilled into the room. I played a little less mechanically really feeling the song flow, I loved sessions like these where I really lose myself for a few hours. The sweat began dropping down my neck as we played through two more songs. My fingers were burning by our break I ran them through my sweaty hair,

"Hey Matty, come." George said patting the seat next to the piano. I walked over casually sitting down at the piano bench, the grand instrument resting in front of me. "There's uh, something I want to tell you." He began. I nodded,

"Go on then." I answered

" well uh, mate I'm not sure how to say this. But, Naomi...I'm worried about her." My brows furrowed,

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked stopping George mid sentence. He sighed putting his hand on my shoulder,

"Mate, yesterday...she came home sh.it face drunk with Alex...he was drunk outta his mind Matty...I-I don't know what they did but mate, she didn't look herself come morning," George dropped his head licking his lips slowly, "she came out to breakfast and ate like a robot, she didn't say a word, she just...sat there staring. She hid in her room all day, Jordan was worried about her and so she went to check on her and when she went in Naomi was shaking. Not chills or nothing, the shakes mate. I don't know where she got the heroin from mate but I kicked Alex out and he left without a fight. We're worried." George's words rang in my ears deafening  every other sound around me. This, this wasn't true. not Naomi...why...that fu.cking twat Alex I know it was him. I shot up from the piano bench running out the door no one stopped me, they wouldn't be able to if they tried. Tears formed in my eyes as I saw her shaking her beautiful body racking with pain and a hunger so intense it burned.
God damn it Naomi, why why did you trust him...

I couldn't shake the image of her rocking back and forth, if her hands were covered in tracks. I wouldn't care id love every mark on her. But she cannot fall down this path, she deserves the world not a shithole that only gets deeper. I raced through the streets almost killing myself at every light until I threw my car into park at the house. I ran out onto the steps swinging the door open,

"Matty, what are you doing here?" Jordan said standing up from the table Nick stood sitting, she knew what I was here for. She knew I'd come.

"Where is she?" I asked breathlessly standing in the middle of the home. Nick pointed her finger at the door by the balcony, I sprinted over passing Jordan and Nick without a glance. My hands pushed the bedroom door open slamming it against the wall. There she was. Lying in bed shaking softly under the white covers. The tears pooled into my eyes once again as I crawled onto the bed,

"Naomi...can you hear me?"  I said into the room I saw her turn her body to me, her eyes meeting mine but they were not the same. They were dark and grey, her lips chapped and cracked, her skin lacking color. "Baby why..."I breathed crying into my hands. I dropped myself next to her, feeling her body rack with shakes, this was the first time I've touched her. And it was not the way i imagined, but I held on. I held on so tight, I felt warmth course through us and I never wanted to let go. I was home, I was alive again. Her cold skin against mine was everything I needed to feel that fire burst into flames,

"Matty..."she murmured fully turning into my chest, still shaking.

"Don't talk love, you're okay. You're going to be okay, it's almost over baby." I repeated over and over into her ear. Having her this close was intoxicating, I completely forgot what it was like to have her so close to me. It was new and invigorating, my skin was jumping with relief as her shakes calmed.

"I-I'm sorry." Naomi whispered between breaths, I ran my fingers through her hair,

"Shhh, don't talk baby. I know you're sorry, promise me you'll never touch it again. Promise me." I whispered touching her face, the softness of her cheeks pulled me into a trance, she nodded her head against my chest. "You're safe baby girl, you're safe now." I said rubbing her body from head to waist, holding her tightly against me waiting until this all passed. I was going to hurt Alex, for what he's done to Naomi, he was going to pay for this.

"T-thank you...M-Matty." Naomi whispered before placing her lips against my cheek. My mind spiraled into another reality taking Naomi and I to where I believed was heaven.

// hi💓//

Falling For You  // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now