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"What are you going to do?" Adam asked me softly. I shook my head slowly,

"What more can I do? I've been begging and pleading with Nick and of course I'm still shot down mate."

"Matty, maybe it's just best if you let this blow over. We don't hate you mate, we just think you're a fucking twat sometimes,"Adam said flicking his cigarette over the balcony. "Focus on the music, focus on something important." He said looking into my eyes, he was right.

"Mhm." I said as I watched him go back into the house.

Focus on something important...what's the most important thing to me....

I smiled instantly, I knew exactly what was important to me, the top two things in my life that I need. Naomi and music. I had the music, hell we're releasing new shit in only a few months. But how am I going to get a grip on Naomi. I turned slightly back to see inside the house. There she was sitting on the couch, her legs crossed as always.

I watched as she smiled at something Jordan had said, her smile pulled so effortlessly onto her skin. I missed making her smile. I smiled myself, thinking back to one of my favorite nights with her. I remember her rolling on top of me screaming that she loves me, and I screaming back that I love her. I remember her tone, so alive and declarative in her emotions.

But she obviously had a change of heart, now she can barely look at me without a look of regret on her face. I dropped my gaze from Naomi to my shoes. They were tattered and worn from the many nights I spent walking around with Gemma. I rolled my eyes shaking the thought of Gemma from my head. I needed to do something right with myself. Breaking me from my thoughts was the sound of my ringtone going off. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and placed it against my ear,

"Hello?" I said into the device,

"Ah, Matty hello, it's Christina. I just wanted to let you know that I've booked a press conference to talk about the upcoming album. It's in two weeks, will you all be able to make it?" Christina our new agent rang into the phone. I thought for a moment, two weeks...I don't even know what I'm doing in the next two seconds.

"That sounds wicked but let me speak to the rest of the crew before I get back to you on that, where will it be held?" I asked her into my sorta professional tone. This is why Ross and Adam handled this shit, they new how to speak to these people.

" A local coffee shop in Downtown Los Angeles, I will email you the location and rest of the details right now. I hope to hear from you all soon." Christina chimed before hanging up. I mainly liked her as our new agent because she got to the damn point with us. I shoved my phone into my pocket as I reached for the glass door of the house. The warm air hit my face quickly as I stepped onto the wooden floors of the home.

"Christina just called me, and I I as wondering if you had a moment to talk?" I directed my question to Ross, Adam, and George who all sat side by side at the bar. The three of them nodded and I walked closer to them,

"What did she have to say mate?" George asked me,

"She got us a press conference in two weeks at some coffee shop right here in downtown, and I guess she wanted to have a meeting to talk about what to discuss during this press conference, I'm honestly not to sure." I said shrugging my shoulders. The three of them all nodded slowly,

"Sounds good to me, anyone have objections?" Ross asked looking between us all.

"I'm okay with it, will it interfere with the wedding?" I asked slowly. Ross shook his head,

"Shouldn't mate, but we should run it by Nick just to be sure." He said already looking over at her. I nodded once,

"Sounds about right," I said turning away from the bar. "I guess I'll be off no mates." I said waving them off casually.

"Where are you headed too?" George asked furrowing his brows,

"I booked a hotel, I figured after today's shit it'll be best just to stay away from Nick until she stops throwing daggers at my back." I said with a soft smile. They all smiled agreeing with me,

"Well at least we know you still got your brain." Ross said giving me a one armed hug. I turned back catching a final glimpse of Naomi smiling at Skye who was dancing to something on the television. I drunk it in as fast as I could, capturing the look of her hair. The way her skin glowed in this light, the color of her nails, the way her body fit perfectly into the couch. Her face, her eyes, that smile. I took it all back with me as I shut the door to the house, walking down the pebbled driveway to my isolated hotel room.

Hello everyone. I'm back, mini update on my life if anyone cares, I'm finishing up my second semester in college and I took a creative writing class which helped me get back on track for my writing, so here I am. I've missed this and missed you all, please like and comment I want to talk to you all :-) tell me your feels on the new album
Holy shit, I'm jamming to it rn, If I Believe you is on as type. Love you all


Falling For You  // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now