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The bottom of my feet were dead. Sitting on that flight for 10 hours or so did a number on my arse and feet. But the moment i grabbed my black duffles my heart began to race. I was in Los Angeles. In a matter of minutes I will be where she is. I didn't know what to think, all I know is that my stomach is bubbling like crazy. I took in a deep breath readying myself for any fans that might be coming my way. I didn't tell anyone I was coming, but LA people just have a way of running into me. With quick easy steps I began my descent into the main area of LAX. I pushed the bridge of my sunglasses higher onto my face just in case there was any paps. With no intention of staying i quickly began my walk to my car. I heard my name being called and saw many flashes, of course i felt many hands. I felt a little wrong for ignoring them but...i needed to get back. After what seemed like an endless maze of turns and new people i finally walked my way out of LAX. I took a deep breath of the warm Los Angeles air. It always rested heavy in my lungs compared to air back home. I ran over to the black sleek car that i knew was mine. The keys rested against my hand as i slipped them from my pocket, quickly i unlocked the car and threw everything inside.

She's here

I sighed throwing the keys into the ignition feeling the new car rev to life. I smiled softly as i peeled out of LAX and began my way to the house. The house where she left me. I deserved it though. I weaved through the darkened freeways of Los Angeles seeing billboard after billboard. Los Angeles at night was like a whole new city. It awakened those who have been desolate for far too long. My hand slid across the wheel with ease as my mind began to drift again. It seemed to do that a lot when i thought of her. I actually am around her...i could go see her. I looked at the clock, it was 1 in the morning. She should be awake...she used to stay up with me past 1 am. Suddenly a thought slammed into my mind...she wouldn't be ate the house still? Would she? I thought for a moment looking down at my phone to see my exit was coming soon. She wouldn't be there...it's not like her to stay. Everything began to look familiar as i started to take it all in. Ross is getting married....she left me...George and Jordan have a baby...and Adam. Im sure he's still the same. I smirked thinking of Hann, i missed them all. Even her. At times..i miss her the most.

The freeway slowed to the slick streets, rain? It hardly rained in LA. I wonder if she cuddled up with a big cup of tea. I smirked knowing that is exactly what she did. I ran my fingers through my hair feeling the shortness. My tongue ran across my lips and i realized i was craving a drag. I fished in my pockets for the cigarette, finding it with ease. Quickly i lit the cigarette and found myself driving down known roads. The city was as alive as ever, this is one of the things i missed from Los Angeles. No matter how dark there were always someone out to play. I felt my heart pick up speed. and i knew i was so close to her. What will she do when she sees me? What if she looks different? I found the streets and began to press down on the gas. She hasn't changed her look has she? Nothing drastic i was sure of it, she still has the sexy little nose ring im sure of it. It's possible she changed her hair, i remember her always going on about the 'boringness' of her hair. She could never realize how beautiful she is, and what's best is everything so natural. My hands tightened against the wheel as i turned up to the hill i know so well. I remember running down it...funny how it's raining now and it was raining then. I cut the engine throwing my hood against my hair hurrying inside. I could get my sh.it later. I walked briskly to the front of the house knocking quite harshly. It was unusually cold for Los Angeles. I knocked again pulled my hood against my now damp hair. A shadowy figure began to fade into my vision. It was a female, the way the hips moved. Nick? Jordan?...could it be?


// please do not hate me for my absence, I got a job recently and I am attending college life has hit honestly. But I really did miss this so much, I promise to try to update much more often I love you all and hope you continue to follow me on this journey. Big love to you all //

Falling For You  // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now