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Leah POV

We were heading to Swindon today, I decided just to bite the bullet and text Emily. I hadn't stopped thinking about her.

I nervously constructed a text as if it was a life or death scenario. It was just two sentences, why was I finding it so hard

Hey, how are you? I'm on my way to Swindon rn, playing there Tomorrow night, you don't happen to be free at all?

I immediately put my phone on do not disturb and put it away and started to engage in the bus activities.

however, I soon realised that I was doing the music, so I had to get my phone back out. no response.

I reread the text multiple times. that was a stupid text, Leah, I kept thinking to myself. I sound like such stalker, why else would I know where she lived

10 minutes later, no response

20 minutes, no response

about 3 hours later, we had arrived and checked into our hotel for the next two nights.

there wasn't time to chill or explore as we were needed for training.

it was a quick dump of the bags and then back out to the bus that was taking us to the training ground.

I left my phone in the hotel

Emily POV

I was on my way into town to go out for lunch when my phone lit up. I was driving so I didn't really look at it, all that I saw was that It was from Leah.

butterflies hit

I had only just started my 10 minute journey, and for the rest the anticipation was killing me.

I pulled up to my destination and grabbed my phone

my palms were sweating

"holy fuck" I said to myself as I checked my phone 

Leah is in swindon?

I'm great thanks, that's so cool that your here, yeah I'm sure I can clear a space in my calendar, what's your schedule like? will be nice to see you

I replied quickly, I couldn't really sit and think it over for too long because I was already late, everyone was waiting for me inside

I headed into the restaurant where my friends were already seated

"you look flustered, em" one of them said as I got settled at the table

"just didn't want to be late that's all" I said, brushing it off

We continued with lunch as normal and I acted as if everything was ok, despite me stressing on the inside.

after lunch I had a few errands to run, so I headed through town. 

I got scared, knowing that Leah was here somewhere, every corner I turned she could of been there. I don't know what I would of done if I had bumped into her.

I kept my head down and did what I had to do, then got in my car and drove home.

Leah POV

Training was over after a few hours, it was now about 4:30pm and we were pulling up to the hotel.

I had completely forgotten about the text to Emily, my mind was elsewhere.

I was glad that I had managed to push Emily to the back of my mind. I didn't need the distractions at the moment. my head needed to be focused on the football.

when we got back to the hotel I went straight to my room to shower. I picked up my phone to play some music and saw Emilys text. I smiled at my phone.

I didn't reply straight away, I showered first and got changed.

I replied explaining my plans. 

we had a team meal this evening, but not until 8pm. tomorrow our game wasn't until the afternoon, but we have a dynamic stretching and movement session in the morning.

We organised to grab a drink in half an hour, only a quick one before my meal. it was really the only available time. I guess I have a bit tomorrow, but I'll be focusing on the game so maybe not.

Emily: 1101 bar at 6:30 then?

Leah: sounds good, see you then x

I got changed and was ready to go when someone knocked on my door.

it was Kiera

"you're ready early" she said as I let her in

"oh no, im going somewhere first" I replied sitting back on my bed

Kiera stared at me without saying anything. it was silent for a few seconds

"where" she asked

"a bar"

"which bar"

"called 1101 I think" I said


"to get a drink?" I said questioningly, smirking. 

"with who"

"woah, didn't know I signed up for 101 questions with Kiera Walsh today" I laughed

"haha very funny. I wouldn't be asking these questions if you weren't always so secretive"

"adds a bit of mystery doesn't it" I said not giving anything away

"anyway, as much as I've loved this interrogation, I've got to go"

I headed towards the door and Kiera hesitantly follows me. 

"have fun then, doing whatever your doing with whoever your doing" she said

we both laughed and went in opposite directions

I got google maps out and started following the instructions. I had no idea where I was going.

Emily POV

"ben pick up, pick up, pick up" I said to myself

I was stressing out

"hello, ben" I said as soon as he answered


"im going for a drink with Leah, like right now" I said

"woah, that's fun, how come she's here"

"ill explain later, no time, for small talk or I will be late. are you in town tonight if all goes shit can you rescue me" I bluntly said

"em, it will be fine, stop stressing, but yes, im around, drop me a text and ill sort it, but I won't be needed, trust me." he said, reassuring me

"I hope not." I said calming down

"you better go if your so late. I've got your location, stay safe and have fun em"

"thanks ben, maybe see you later, love you bye"

I hung up and took a deep breath 

15 minutes later I was stood outside the bar. I knew Leah was inside as she had texted me saying so.

I was very chilled out for some reason. the nerves had left my system and I was just excited to see her.

I headed in and spotted her sat in the back corner.

She saw me coming and greeted me with a huge smile and a hug.

I could get lost in her smile, it was beautiful.

"nice to see you" she said as she embraced me

"who'd of thought id see you in swindon of all places" I replied and we sat down

the conversation immediately took off, it was weird to think this was only the second time we had met

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