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Emily POV

my time in London was now up, and I was back on the train home. I had had a great trip, and I felt that me and Leah were in a good place.

we had had the exclusive chat, and ironed out any creases that we had, we were good.

however, I was due back cat uni next week - where was this going to go?

was it just a summer fling?

despite these thoughts in the back of my mind, Leah and I texted and called constantly. nothing had changed, and I got the sense that it wouldn't.

once I was back at uni, Leah and I seemed to settle into something of a routine in the way wee would call and text, and the things we would say.

im not sure how I felt about this, I didn't really want to settle down in that way.

Since seeing Leah in London in the beginning of September, we didn't have any plans to see each other until I had a reading week at the beginning of November, which we still wern't 100% sure even if that was possible.

With the start of the WSL, Leah had become super busy, meaning she could never really take a weekend off or a few days t see me. I completely understood this, and I wasn't asking for much, but I just found it irritating when Leah would instantly shut some of my suggestions down.

I felt like she wasn't even bothered about seeing me, especially when I was trying to figure out our reading week plans.

she kept saying that she had training, matches, appearances or interviews.

I said that was fine, I was happy to sit in her apartment because I would have assignments to do anyway. I was happy just to sleep next to her in the evening, she could do whatever she had to do in the daytime.

it was as if Leah wasn't willing to make sacrifices for me. like her career was more important than my university degree.

I had deadlines, I had essays to write, and I was willing to travel to London, when I should of been living in the library, whereas Leah didn't even have to give up anything, and yet she still wasn't jumping at the idea of me coming to see her.

this made me think that maybe we weren't on the same page, which really upset me. I missed her, I really did, it had been two months now, and I just didn't get the sense that she missed me at all.

to make things worse, my birthday was at the end of reading week. I understood that Leah probably wouldn't be able to celebrate it at university with me and my friends, but I thought at least she would want to celebrate it in some way.

it got to the point where I was done even trying. I tried my best not to let this effect how I acted with Leah over the phone or text, but subconsciously I knew my replies were getting slower and blunter, and out nightly phone calls were getting shorter and shorter.

that's what I do. I distance myself so I don't get hurt. i've been hurt too many times before and I didn't want it to happen again.

Leah POV

I hated doing this to Emily.

I was busy, I did have lots on, but I would never shut her down like I am doing. I really want to see her, and I am, going to, she just doesn't know it.

I knew that all she wanted for her birthday is for me to meet some of her uni friends and to go out with them and do whatever they had planned, so that was what I was going to do.

a few weeks ago, when Emily had started talking about her time off uni, and her birthday, I decided to instagram DM one of her housemates to see what her plans were. 

Leah: hey, sorry for the random text. I was just wondering if you knew what Emily has planned for her birthday? she's saying she wants to come to visit me in London but I kind of want to surprise her by coming to Cardiff. do you think this could work?

Olivia: haha no worries, she'd love that. she mentioned that she wanted to go to London, but said you were being cold with her haha. I think the plan is just to go for dinner or cocktails then out probably.

Leah: ok, sounds good, I might book us a hotel in Cardiff or something to make it a bit more special if you think it would work? don't tell Em anything pls.

it was now just about a week till Emily's birthday. I had Friday afternoon training, and was going to head down straight after that. Emilys birthday was on the saturday, so I thought id take her out on Friday night for dinner or maybe breakfast on saturday so that it didn't disrupt any plans on saturday night.

the only trouble was, my location. Emily and I had each others locations, and we both were open about enjoying a stalk of the other person.

I had texted Olivia, who was running this whole thing from the other end. I had asked her to distract liv for a few hours on Friday so that she wasn't checking her phone, or even hide her phone or something. turning off my location wasn't an option, as I knew Emily would be suspicious.

Friday soon came around, and I headed to training  bags packed, and a smily on my face. I was so excited.

as soon as training was over, I rushed back to the changing rooms

"what's got you in a hurry" Lia asked as I almost pushed her over trying to get through

"im going to see Emily" I responded

"have fun" a few people then said as I collected my belongings and ran to my car.

I put her dress into my sat-nav and began the journey, making note that I needed to stop and get flowers once I was closer.

meanwhile, Liv, Emilys friend, had stolen and hidden Emilys phone so that she couldn't see my location and ruin the surprise.

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