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the next morning 

Leah POV

"shall we go out for breakfast" I said, releasing Emily from my grip

"not if it means you have to let go go of me" she complained

I loved waking up to Emily. I could really get used to it

I wrapped my arms back around her and she snuggled back into me, still half asleep

"breakfast would be nice though" she said after a few minutes of peaceful silence. she was still half asleep, eyes yet to be opened.

without wanting to disturb the peace, I quietly reminded Emily that we couldn't stay in bed all day. she was meeting her friends later

"you're right" she said. quickly jumping to her feet and out of bed. id never seen her move this quickly. it made me laugh

"you coming or what" she said as she ran into the bathroom

I got myself up and out of bed and headed over towards my wardrobe to pick out my outfit and then headed into the bathroom that Emily was in

she was brushing her teeth

I just stood at the doorway to admire her for a minute before she caught me and just smiled through the mirror

30 minutes later we were out of the door and walking down the street

I was wearing a cap, once again. not because I wanted to hide myself, more because I just wanted to be discrete. I wanted to enjoy my breakfast with Em, rather than have people asking for photos and asking questions. of course, that was an unlikely scenario

my favourite brunch spot was about a 15 minute walk, which Emily and I chatted the whole way. there was never any awkward silence. we were both so content.

"yeh, two please" Emily said as we entered the cafe. 

it was a cute hidden spot that Alex had showed me a few years ago. it was now my go to

they let us take a seat wherever, so I purposely chose a table in the corner with my back to the door, in hopes of remaining undisturbed.

breakfast went smoothly, Emily loved the place, and we remained undisturbed in our own little world.

that little world soon came to an end when we went up to the till to pay.

"are you Leah Williamson?" a little girl shyly asked

of course I wasn't going to ignore her or get angry that she made the whole restaurant now aware of who I was.

we exchanged a few words, took a photo, and then we were on our way. 

I loved interactions like that. just knowing that I made that little girls day, it made everything worth it.

those interactions were fine, it was usually the older fans that annoyed me. most of them were friendly, but some of them often had something nasty to say.

it was as if I predicted it, on our way home a man approached us. at first he seemed friendly, congratulating me on the euros, making small talk, but he just continued to ask questions, even after I had politely tried to shut the conversation down

"this your new girlfriend" he said. I dont think he meant any magic behind it, but it made me feel very uneasy, as im sure Emily did too

"no, she's no one, just a friend. we better get going, nice to meet you" I said. dismissing everything and walking off at speed. I hadn't really realised what I said in the moment. I was just flustered and wanted to get home.

I noticed that Emily was off, however. I didn't have to be a genius to figure out it was that whole scenario. I didn't know if it was me, or if it was just the encounter with the man.

Emily POV

I didn't expect Leah to show me off to the world, or say that I was her girlfriend, because im not, but I didn't expect her to call me no one. 

there were so many other ways Leah could of phrased it that meant she didn't say we were together, but didn't say I was no one.

I think she could tell that I was a bit upset, as I noticed myself being a bit quiet and blunt with her. 

we both just walked in silence the rest of the way back to her apartment

"im sorry about earlier." Leah said as we were sat on her sofa

I knew she was sorry, I believed that, I just dont think she really knew what she was apologising for.

when Im upset I tend to shut out. I never react in the right way, I dont even know what the right way to react is, so I usually just shut everyone out and go quiet until I can't be bothered anymore and everything goes back to normal.

"dont worry" I said, forcing a quick smile in the second I took my eyes away from my phone

the truth is I wasn't even doing anything on my phone, just going from app to app.

I still had a few more hours before I was due to meet my other friends, and Leah knew that. so I couldn't really escape.

we both just kind of hung out, exchanging short sentences, watching tv for a while.

you could cut the tension with a knife. I knew that Leah knew that.

I could practically see the cogs turning in her brain every time she looked at me, figuring out what to say.

I honestly felt a bit guilty, she never intended to hurt me.

"I know you're sorry" I said, not moving my eye line to meet hers. I just couldn't stand the silence

"I really am. but this is my life, Emily, things like that happen, people come up to me and ask questions that they have no right to, but I just have to smile and engage even if I don't want to, so if you can't accept that, then clearly our two worlds arnt ment to collide" Leah responded

now I knew for certain that she had no idea why I was upset, and was just apologising for the sake of it. I was starting to get angry, but didn't want to show it

"I know that Leah. I know this is your life, that's not what im upset about. I get people are intrusive and ask questions that you dont want to answer. I get its difficult, but maybe have another answer prepared instead of just saying im no one to you" I said more angrily than I anticipated. 

I could feel myself getting really worked up and I diddnt know why.

I held back the tears as much as I could, but I could feel one or two escaping.

Leah just looked at me in shock.

I dont think she was aware that that is what she said.

"Em, I, I" Leah stuttered and took a deep breath 

"im sorry I said that. I really am. I dont think I even realised what I was saying, the question just came out of nowhere, I guess I just wanted to get out of the situation as quick as possible."

I looked up at her. she now was the one with tears in her eyes

"I never would of said that. of course your not no one, your the furthest from that. I guesss the question just took me by surprise, im sorry I made you feel upset" 

Leah sounded sincere, but something wasn't sitting right with me.

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