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Emily POV

I woke up the next morning with Leah sleeping with her back to me. despite my anger, I couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. i loved being in her arms, no matter how much she has annoyed me.

I hadn't really decided how I was going to let myself react to this whole situation yet. whether I was going to let it blow over, or hold a grudge.

I guess the plan was just to see what Leah had to say

I decided I wasn't ready for that chat, yet, so I headed for a shower.

a shower that took twice the time of a usual one as an attempt to waste time.

when I went back to the room, Leah was awake, and sat up in bed, scrolling through her phone.

"morning, how are you today" she said as I entered

I think she was just trying to get a gauge of how mad I was, so she knew how to deal with me.

"fine" I responded bluntly, not even making eye contact

Leah sighed and the room was silent. I decided that I was going to dry my hair with the hairdryer, so that I wouldn't have to talk to her.

Leah knew what I was trying to do, and she knew to not push it, so instead, she got out of bed, got changed, and went to grab us breakfast. I knew this because she sent me a text. a text. to be fair to her, I was constantly checking my phone, but she could of at least tapped me on the shoulder to say something

I knew I was being difficult. I knew whatever Leah would of done would be the wrong thing. she knew that too. so I guess this was the best of it.

she came back about 20 minutes later, and I was dressed and ready, just lying on my bed, still feeling the hangover.

Leah sat down next to me and opened her arms, signalling for me to shuffle closer to her.

at this point I was done holding a grudge, done fighting, it was tiring and I couldn't be arsed. of course, I was still mad, but there were other ways to deal with it.

"I dont want to fight with you, I really dont, I just want you to know that im really sorry, sorry for being in a mad mood yesterday, and sorry for ruining your birthday, it was so selfish and I wish I hadn't" she said, kissing me on the top of my head once she had finished her sentence

I sighed

"yeh, yeh it was pretty selfish, but I guess it what comes with the territory of our relationship" I responded in a calm manner, trying not to raise my voice or get confrontational

"I mean, I guess so, but it shouldn't be like that, you embraced my lifestyle when I threw you into the deep end at the euro finals, ive annoyed myself that I couldn't just suck it up for one night"

I could genuinely hear Leahs sincerity and apology. she did feel bad, awful in fact, which is all I really asked from her, in hopes that maybe next time would be different 

"its okay, Leah, it sucked, I had hoped that you would at least pretend to enjoy it, but im glad you accept what youve done" 

that ended the conversation. I didn't really know what else t say. and anyway, Leah was leaving this evening so I didn't want to waste our last few hours being angry at her

we didn't have any plans for the rest of the day. I had assumed that I would be very hungover so I didn't want to organise anything and then bail. that wasn't the case, however, and I was feeling good

"can we go for a walk" I suggested to Leah after just lying in my bed for the most part of the morning

she agreed and within 5 minutes we were out the front door

we were both almost in a matching outfit, in full sweats, but Leah with a cap and sunglasses on and hood up, for obvious reasons.

today was one of the lucky days, where we managed to keep to ourselves, and Leah's identity remained hidden throughout. I obviously didn't mind when people asked her for photos, but it was my favourite when they didn't. when we could just be us, without worrying who was watching or who was around.

by now, I had completely forgotten about last night, which was unusual for me. I loved to hold a grudge.

I didn't with Leah. I didn't want to argue with her. 

we continued our walk, not hand in hand this time just in case she did get recognised, as there was still so many people around us.

"you know, I never actually posted anything on social media for your birthday" Leah said as we continued walking

I didn't really know where this was coming from. we had kind of decided that we were going to keep our relationship offline and private

"why would you?" I responded, kind of bluntly.

"your my girlfriend" she said sarcastically

"yeh, but didn't we discuss this?" I responded

"im not saying id post something dumb saying happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend Emily Miller. I wouldn't even tag you"

I realised now that this was more of a question, rather than a statement that I first thought.

"Leah you know you dont have to ask permission to post a picture of me" 

"okay okay"

"maybe just dont tag me"

"maybe just dont tag me"

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Leahs post was subtle. I was glad she wanted to post me, even though my birthday was yesterday.

"we can pretend its still your birthday" she chuckled as she was editing the photo

I was quite excited to see how the internet would react to this. I didn't even think that I could get any backlash, no one even knew who I was. 

I thought wrong

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