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General POV

It had been a few months since the memorable New Year's Eve, and as the days turned into weeks, Leah and Emily found themselves entangled in the complexities of their busy lives. Work commitments, social events, and personal responsibilities seemed to keep them apart more often than they could have anticipated.

One evening, Emily sat alone in her university house, a mix of frustration and sadness filling her heart. She scrolled through social media, watching videos of Leah's football games and seeing pictures of her out with friends, feeling a mix of jealousy and loneliness

She longed for a message or call from Leah, but it remained silent. It had been weeks since they last saw each other, and Emily was starting to feel like their relationship was slipping through her fingers.

Finally, she mustered the courage to call Leah. After a few rings, Leah answered the phone with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Hey, Emily. What's up?" Leah asked, her tone casual.

Emily took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I was wondering if we could see each other this weekend. It's been so long, and I really miss you."

Leah hesitated for a moment before responding, "I wish I could, but I have a game and training"

Emily felt a pang of disappointment. "But we haven't seen each other in ages"

Leah let out a frustrated sigh. "I can't just drop everything for you, Emily. My career comes first, its always been that way, we said it from the beginning. we knew it would be hard at times, but we said we'd get through it together"

"it doesn't feel like we are doing to together, Leah, it feels like I'm the only one making an effort here," Emily retorted, her voice tinged with hurt. "I've been sacrificing my weekends to be with you whenever I can, and it seems like you don't care about spending time with me."

"That's not fair," Leah shot back defensively. "I have a life outside of our relationship, and I can't make revolve everything around you."

Emily took a deep breath, trying to remain calm, despite the anger that was brewing inside her. "I know you have a life, Leah, and I respect that. But relationships require compromise and effort from both sides. It feels like you're not willing to make any sacrifices for us."

Leah's tone turned cold. "Maybe it's because things in my life are more important than yours. If you miss a night clubbing its no big deal, I can't just miss training"

Emily felt tears welling up in her eyes, hurt by Leah's dismissive words. "It's not a competition, Leah. I never said my life was better or worse than yours. But if you don't want to make any effort to see me, why should I keep making effort to see you, and maybe we should rethink this relationship."

Emily felt a mix of hurt and anger. "This is not about your lifestyle being better than mine. It's about us being in a relationship and supporting each other."

"Well, maybe I can't support you the way you want me to," Leah shot back. "I'm under a lot of pressure, and I can't always be there for you."

"well waits the point in being in a relationship if you can't be there for me" Emily muttered

Leah couldn't respond to that, leaving the two in an eery silence

a few moments later,  Leah  had to hang up the phone, leaving Emily feeling devastated and abandoned. She sank onto her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks, and wondered if they were drifting apart irreparably.


Over the next few days, both Leah and Emily stewed in their emotions, unwilling to reach out to each other. The silence between them only deepened the divide, leaving both of them feeling hurt and misunderstood. 

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