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Leah POV

Emily and her friends were all quite drunk. not too drunk, however, a good level of drunk. they were all cheery and just wanted to dance.

when they said that they wanted to move on to a new place, I wasn't ready to leave Emily yet, so I agreed to go with them

and anyway, Alex and I love a dance, so why not

I said goodbye to the last remaining few as we left, but at this point, most had already gone home.

Alex and I were quite drunk, but no where near the level of Emily and her friends. they were all university students after all, so they were used to it.

we headed out of the bar, and began the 15 minute walk to the club. I had no idea what club it was, but Emily claimed it was good, despite her never actually going before.

Me and Emily somehow were the stragglers at the back, whilst the others were a few meters in front, practically doing cartwheels down the road.

we were holding hands, talking about the stars, ignoring everything else around us.

it was moments like this where I forget everything. my struggles at football, my issues with media, none of it mattered.

Emily made me forget all of that. she didn't care who I was, or what I did. she would talk about the stars with me for hours, or what our favourite animal was, or what shitty tv show we were going to watch whilst hungover tomorrow.

she was like no one I had ever met before. she scared me, but I liked that.

up ahead of us, the others were waiting outside of a club. 

"if you dont like it, we can sit in the corner... or fuck in the toilets" Emily joked, sensing my nerves as we were stood outside.

"not sure I want our fist time to be in a club toilet" I responded, letting go of her hand as we all headed inside

it wasn't the club I was worried about, it was about being noticed or recognised. its the uncontrollable that scares me. the unknown. 

almost immediately, Emily grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd to the centre of the dance floor.

once we got there, she turned around and locked her eyes on mine. 

almost immediately I forgot where we were and who was around us. all I could see was her.

she put her hands on my hips, and I put mine around her neck, and relaxed. we moved to the music, getting lost in each others eyes

after a few minutes, I saw a smirk appear on her face, a couple of seconds before out lips connected.

we were kissing for a while, and all I wanted to do was take Emily home. but I couldnt

I broke away from the kiss to see Alex staring at me smiling. I dont think she had ever seen me like this.

Emily POV

when I was dancing with Leah I felt like we were the only ones in the room. I was sure that if I blinked, I would come back to reality.

the moment didn't last long, however, as is could that Leah, had come back down to earth.

I watched as her eye line left mine, and she began to scan the room.

I decided to break our eye contact even more and turn around, so my back was against her front.

Leah got what I was doing, and put her arms around me. she held me so tight.

I was now facing Alex and my friends, who were all dancing away in their own little worlds.

I assumed they had realised that Leah and I had detached from them, so they just let us be.

that was the case, until I turned around.

once the others saw me facing them, they immediately dragged me into their circle, leaving Leah and Alex watching on.

for the rest of the night I danced with my friends, often catching Leahs eyeline, who was just watching on.

after an hour or so of dancing, we decided to call it a night, heading out of the club.

Once out of the club, and because I was now almost sober, I couldn't help but laugh to myself at the series of events that had gone on. it had reminded me of a light argument that Leah and I had had not long ago, when we were talking through our different lifestyles


"I come home from training, sit on the sofa for 10 minutes, maybe go to my mums, watch Jacob play football, maybe play some mini golf if im feeling adventurous" Leah exclaimed

"you come home from a lecture or wherever you have been doing, and go to the pub, or the club 5 nights a week. how many days a week do you go out? I can't do that, I dont do that. im in bed by 11pm and asleep by 12. I dont roam the streets when the sun is rising, nor am I on a first name basis with any of the kebab shop workers" she continued

I knew nothing Leah was saying was said with malicious intent. she wasn't talking down on me or the uni life that I chose to live, she was simply stating the differences.

Back to present day

I felt like I was giving Leah an insight into my lifestyle. a glimpse so that she could see that its not that bad. 

we were doing things that Leah didn't do regularly, compared to me who did it two or three times a week. 

the drinking, the clubbing, the roaming of the streets.

Leah seemed to be enjoying herself, however, the smile on her face was genuine happiness. something that had been missing. there was nothing forced about it.

after walking for about 10 minutes, we decided that we didn't actually know where we were walking. 

Leah and Alex decided to get a taxi home, and me and the girls were just going to walk because it was only about 10 minutes.

Leah didn't agree with us doing this, but once again, it was something that she wasn't used to.

I walk home with my friends after a night out 3 days a week, but Leah didn't think it was safe.

I assured her it was, shared my location with her, and said id text her when I was home.

I kissed her goodbye, hugged Alex and waved them off into a taxi.

10 minutes later on the dot, Leah texted me asking if I was home, not even giving me the chance to text her first.

we weren't yet, and I wanted to send her a picture of me tucked up in bed, so I thought id wait the two more minutes we had to walk.

Leah: are you going to reply?!

Leah, however, didn't give me the opportunity

she double texted after I had left her on read

Emily: you have my location, you should know

I replied a bit snarkily

Leah didn't reply to that, so once I had arrived back, I sent her a picture of us all brushing our teeth.

Leah: thank you. I had a really good night tonight em, thank you xx

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