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Leah POV

today was the day that I was going to see Emily again. even if it was only just for a night.

she was coming over at about 4.

I had given her tube directions and said id meet her at the station, despite her protests. 

"I can use google maps, you know" Emily said over the phone

"google maps doesn't stop you from getting hit by cars or cyclists or from people being rude" I responded

Emily POV

she was trying her best to be protective. it was cute. 

despite Leah's cuteness, I was still on edge. my hope for the evening was to get some clarification on all of this, on us. I didn't want to put all of my eggs in Leah's basket if she wasn't going to reciprocate it.

I knew our differences, but I was willing to try.

before I knew it I was outside of Leah's apartment building.

I texted her

Emily: Hey, im outside :)

a couple of seconds later Leah was approaching the glass doors, almost as if she was sat waiting for my text

Leah POV

As soon as Emily texted me to say that she was head I bounded out of my apartment. I didn't want to leave her waiting.

as I waited for the lift I checked myself out in the mirror on the wall. I was just wearing a tracksuit set, but I knew Emily wouldn't care about what I was wearing.

I felt my heart getting faster in what felt like a 30 minute elevator ride

I was excited to see her, there was just a looming feeling of the unknown between us

as soon as I saw her, those nerves started to settle and I greeted her with a big embrace

"your right, you are an expert in google maps" I joked as I led her back upstairs

there was a lingering tension between us, I think it was just both of our awkwardness mixed with nerves, and assumed both of us would get more comfortable.

"hey, I dont know what you want to do this evening, but I thought we could maybe go and get some ingredients and just make something here?" I asked

I really didn't want to go out in public. I was on a break from football, but I was also trying to take a break from the media, which included being seen out in public and checking social media

I just knew being seen out for dinner on what would look like a date would come with backlash. I could already see the headlines

'Leah Williamson on a break to focus on her mental health? More like to focus on her new girlfriend'

'England Captain Leah Williamson Takes Break from Club for Mental Health, Spotted with Mystery Companion: Is it a Genuine Break or Something More?'

Luckily Emily agreed

"didn't you mention that you dont cook?" Emily remarked

"yeah, there is that, but I remembered you saying that you do" I laughed

Emily POV

After chatting and catching up for 40 minutes or so, and we had gotten over both of our awkwardness, we decided to head to the shops to get  some ingredients 

Leah had put her hood up and a cap on. 

I knew that she was trying to keep a low profile, but I didn't really understand why. I dont even really know why she is taking a break from Arsenal. maybe she would open up about it at some point. 

Tesco was only about a five minute walk.

Leah and I had decided on cooking a stir fry, mostly because Leah was the fussiest eater I knew.

It didn't take us long to gather the ingredients, and a bottle of wine, and we were soon cooking it up back in the apartment.

Leah was right, she wasn't much of a cook.

she assumed the role of assistant and DJ. She just passed me the utensils for the most part and played the music.

it was a nice summers evening so one we had finished, we sat on Leahs balcony to eat, tucking into the bottle of wine.

Another thing I learnt about Leah, is she has not idea how to open a bottle of wine. She didn't even know if she owned a cork screw.

to her misbelief, I found one after rummaging through her kitchen draws for a few minutes.

"where the fuck did you learn how to do that" Leah applauded

"what, open a bottle of wine?" I laughed at Leah's stupid remark

"yeh, your right, your a student, of course you know your way around a bottle of wine"

"low blow" I joked, throwing the cork at Leah's head

She picked it up and threw it back in return, but it was clear why she wasn't a professional cricket player or anything that required her to use her hands

"my head is over here" I joked, making fun of Leah who missed me by about 2 metres

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