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Emily POV

We ate dinner, and the conversation was okay, but it wasn't like the last times. 

Despite us both loosening up whilst cooking, the more relax nature of out dinner seemed to create tension. 

I think we both knew that there was an elephant in the room, but neither one of us wanted to address it

for some reason I was feeling  a level of pressure  to say the right things and be the person that I thought Leah wanted me to be.

I didn't mention this to Leah, of course, and I knew it was just a mindset, so I tried my best to try and ignore what was going on in my brain.

we soon finished up, Leah was adamant that I stay seated whilst she washed up, which I of course argued, but she wouldn't have it.

Even though I was instructed not to, I got up and followed Leah into the kitchen so I could help

we settled on Leah washing whilst I dried, although I didn't know where anything belonged so the putting away part was a team effort.

Once that was done, we settled with the rest of our wine on her sofa.

We were both tired, but it wasn't that late, only about 8pm.

I think the wine was starting to get to both of us, as we both were a lot more confident. 

both of us still hesitant to make a move, but we did sit just that bit closer than we have before.

"do you ever think about what your life would be like if you had chosen a different path. Like what if you didn't go to uni, what would you have done" Leah sighed

I could tell this was leading somewhere

"I'm not sure. I think that's why I went to uni. just delayed making any real decisions for a few years. why do you ask" I responded, trying to tease what was bugging Leah out of her

"no reason" she was closed off

I wasn't going to force her so I changed the conversation

a few hours later, and a few episodes of FRIENDS later, we were both struggling to keep our eyes open.

"bed time?" Leah questioned

"Bed time" I agreed

I was looking forward to going to bed, as tomorrow was a new day. I was hoping that I would wake up fresh and leave all my overthinking behind me.

as we decided it was bed time, Leah then turned into the awkward Leah I knew.

"umm, I diddnt want to assume anything, or pressure anything, because the choice is obviously all up to you. but I have made up the spare room, just if you didn't feel comfortable being in my bed. I don't mind, honestly, whatever you would prefer"

I liked this side of Leah. she was talking at a hundred miles per hour and saying a lot of words but most of them irrelevant

"you're cute when you're nervous" I smiled leaning into her and putting my head on her shoulder

suddenly all of my worries from dinner were lifted, and something had clicked. I felt comfortable in Leah's presence

"you're bed is fine"

"good, because I already put your bag in there" Leah said as we headed towards her room

we both got ready for bed and got in, but leaving a few feet of room between us, neither one of us wanting to overstep any boundaries on the first night.

"night Le" I said, turning over to face away from her.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight. I had so many emotions running around my head and my heart

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