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10 days later

Emily POV:

Leah and I had been texting and calling almost every day since she played in Swindon. we were getting on like a house on fire and it was going really well.

I was keeping myself at a distance however. 

I had to put myself first and understand that Leah and I were different, and that it might not be a match made in heaven 

Leah POV

"hey guys, is it weird if I invite a girl im not even dating to come and watch the final" I asked to everyone who was in the room

"no need to speak in code, Leah, we know you're talking about Emily" Lucy joked

"no its not weird" Georgia said

"she's gonna have to meet the fam then" someone else remarked

I was in two minds. I wanted to see Emily and spend time with her, but because im so busy the only time that is is when i'm playing, and even then I only see her for 10 minutes

I also didn't want to distract myself. my head needed to be on the game, not a girl.

and, like someone just said, meeting the family. am I ready for that. is she ready for that?

anyway, why would she trek to London just to watch me. she might not even want to come.

Fuck it, I thought to myself as I was texting Emily

Emily: no way you're in the final

Leah: I know, madness, doesn't feel real

Emily: you nervous?

Leah: not if you're watching

Emily: take that as a no then, of course ill be watching

Leah: how about you come and watch in person

Emily: you're inviting me to Wembley?

Emily POV:

no way did she just invite me to Wembley. I don't know why that felt like such a huge step. it was such a big event for her and so it meant a lot that she would want me there

Leah had invited Issy to the game Aswell, I guess to keep me company as I didn't know anyone else. she had also invited us to the after party.

Leah had told me that she could get me a room in the hotel that all the players, friends and family were staying at, but I decided to stay with Issy instead, who had a flat in London.

it just made more sense to do that. I didn't quite know what I was getting myself into here so issy and I decided that was the safe option.

Fast forward to the afterparty 

"hey, I need to grab something, come upstairs with me?" Leah said grabbing my hand

"oh, yeah"

issy was busy mingling so didn't notice. for someone that didn't know anyone here she did no how to spark conversations with people

Leah and I headed through the hotel and up to her room

once we got there I realised I didn't actually know what she was coming to get

"what is it that you needed?"

"just my phone charger. and I just wanted a breather for a minute, its very full on down there" she responded as she slumped onto her bed

"yeah, I can't imagine what its like to be the captain of the European champions" I joked lying down next to her

"funny. you know what I mean tho. I haven't had 5 minutes to chill in a long time, and now that your here I want to do that with you" she says putting her arm around me 

I shuffled to lean into her arm

"can we just talk about something other than football for once" she asked 

"how about we skip the talking" I said shyly. the alcohol was clearly taking its effect

"oh yeah" Leah said as she cupped my face, looking me in my eyes. 

after holding the eye contact for what felt like forever, I leaned in.

the kiss got passionate and I moved so that I was now sat on top of Leah. 

after a couple of seconds we were interrupted by my phone ringing, it was issy. we ignored it at first but then it rang again

"hey, where are you?" she asked, sounding worried

"just upstairs getting a phone charger with Leah" I responded, shooting a smile at Leah, who I was still straddling.

"ok, don't worry, come find me when you come back down, I don't want to be too much longer if that's okay with you" 

leahs hands were gripping my thighs. I was finding it hard to concentrate as she just watched me on the phone

"yeah, I won't be long and we can make a move"

I hung up the phone and looked at Leah.

"funs over" I said standing up

she looked disappointed, and as much as I was too, I was also kind of glad. we were both drunk and I wanted to take this slow. I didn't want to mention that to Leah, so I just brushed it off

we both left the hotel room and headed back downstairs.

in the lift Leah took my hand and turned to face me

"hey, im really glad your here, you know" she said 

"I'm glad you wanted me here" I responded as the lift opened and we headed on out

we headed back to the main room where everyone was. I soon lost Leah as she got pulled into a chat with someone and I headed in the other direction to find issy

5 minutes of looking later I found her sat in the corner taking to someone

"Em, nice of you to join the party" she joked

I didn't respond and just laughed quietly. I wasn't going to entertain her

Issy stood up and we walked towards the lobby, away from all of the music and people

"time to head?" issy said questioningly 

"yeah, let me say goodbye to Leah and then we can go" I responded

"go get her and bring her here so I can say goodbye too" issy said waving me off

It didn't take long to find Leah, as when I turned around she was walking towards me

"making a move now?" she asked as she approached

"yeah" issy responded

"thanks for inviting us, Leah, what an insane day" issy said whilst going in for the hug with Leah

"no, I'm so glad the two of you could come" Leah responded as she left the hug and made eye contact with me

After a couple minutes of exchanging goodbyes, we headed out the back door

"I'll text you I shouted as I got into the uber"

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