Interlude 2: Because that is the job of a Big Brother

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"Good evening, your majesty. I am very grateful that she was able to give me some of your time."

This is my little brother, Andrew. The truth is that he has surprised me a lot for a while now. Andrew lives in a separate mansion from this one due to certain circumstances.

This is the first time that Andrew asks for something from Father. Just a while ago he looked like a high nobleman, but seeing him now he looks more like a frightened mouse, although seeing well his maid doesn't know very well what to say either.

It's been a long time since I've seen him, although he's not much different from the last time I saw him.

Overall, he hasn't grown much, and I could tell he's slimmer than before. But looks aside, his manners so far have been impeccable.

I'm surprised that at his age he can have such a formal vocabulary. Hes are better than mine, and I just became an adult, I still don't have that degree of sophistication. It just makes me think that he had an excellent upbringing at the secondary mansion. I was thinking, meanwhile Andrew was talking to Father.

My opinion about that Andrew had had an excellent upbringing at the mansion quickly changed.

Andrew out of nowhere lowers his head with a loud cry. He then accuses the maid of him along with all the staff of the secondary mansion who had abused him. I didn't believe him at first, plus his maid is quick to explain that it's just an exaggeration of a boy, and to be honest that made sense, I mean, who would believe that the entire staff abused a duke's son.

Of course, my father thinks that too. But Andrew reaffirms his statement.

The maid quickly defends herself by saying that he doesn't have any proof, but I doubt Andrew would have made such a confident claim without having some sort of evidence. And not take my wrong, but I promise to all the gods, I wish I had been wrong, I really did. Since after that Andrew said:

"Father. Madame Elizabeth here has requested that I present evidence to support my accusations. But that would be showing a not very pleasant sight to the duke's eyes. So I request your permission to show my evidence."

"... Ok. You have my permission." My father's gaze looked intrigued, but at the same time somewhat fearful of what he would find.

"Then... I apologize for my appearance."

Before my eyes, I see how my little brother takes off his pants, at first I think he is insane for doing such an unseemly action, only to make me and everyone else in the room a face as pale as snow. Andrew clearly showed the evidence of him against his servants, or rather the evidence of the crimes they had committed. From his calves to his crotch area are covered in scars that looked like they were made with a whip or some rope.

Everyone in the room is speechless, we only come to our senses when we see tears come out of my brother's eyes, he was clearly shaking, and who am I to judge him?

It must not be easy to show his wounds to us. Part of my education taught me that several prisoners of war, who were subjected to torture, tend to hide their wounds, and I think this case is familiar.

I still don't know what to do, but my father in a fury orders the guards to arrest the maid who was besides Andrew and ordered all the staff of the secondary mansion to be imprisoned. My father got up from his chair, putting on Andrew's his suit, which is short enough that my father's suit covers his entire body.

When the guards took the maid out of the room. It seemed that all the energy was depleted out of Andrew's body. Before he passed out, I could only hear a tiny whisper of him saying "What a relief".

After that, Andrew was brought to one of the guest rooms on the mansion, as he didnt have his own room in here. Seconds later, he experiences a high fever.

Some time later my father sent me to call the high priestess to check on Andrew, I went to look for her as soon as possible and after an hour I brought her with me to the room where my brother is resting. The priestess, named Rosina, does a magical check on Andrew's body only to put a very serious, almost annoying face directed towards my father and me.

Rosina explained to us that my brother had scars from more than three years ago, that the reason he has not grown and is so thin is that he has not had a good diet, he has anemia, and that his body in general lacks many vitamins, In short, my brother's body is in chaos.

I could not believe her words, a part of me refused to believe that my brother was in such a bad situation because of us, but Rosina's cold and hard scoldings made me see the harsh reality. My brother had suffered for a long time alone, and the fault lies solely with my father and me. That his current condition was our fault. In my opinion, Andrew was already at his limit, when he went to see our father due to being quite desperate to get out of that hell that made him live, that only makes my conscience weigh more on me.

Before I can hear more about Andrew's condition, Rosina signals my father to take me out of the room, I get his order and I leave the place.

I realize that I have failed as an older brother, and I have not been there for Andrew when he needed me most, but I swear on my pride as the next Duke that from now on I will not let anything happen to him, this time I will not allow Andrew to experience any more pain. .

Because that's a big brother's job.

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