first time

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Little Charlie
cg Nick

Charlie has been regressing a lot lately and i've been loving it he seems so happy and free, plus he actually eats when he's regressed which makes me so happy it's a safe place for him. But we have ran into a few problems Charlie has been wetting himself a lot now when he's regressed and i'm not sure how to mention to him that I think he should wear diapers, Charlie loves his pacifier and toys but he's never done diapers but it is necessary for when he takes naps. "Nick why are you zoned out" I looked over at Charlie who was doing his homework "I wanted to tell you something" I say nervously scared what he will think "What is it" he says I look at him and cup his face in my hands "You know how much I love you and I want the best for you so I think you should start wearing diapers when your regressed" He looked at me with horror in his eyes "Nick I don't know that seems too far" I responded "It's not too far you've been cleaning up pee none stop it will just make you less stressed when your in little space you won't have to think about cleaning"

Charlie's pov
Nick was right but it was so embarrassing that I didn't want too, My boyfriend thinks I should wear diapers that sounds like nightmare to me and i'm worried that when I wear diapers all my worries will fade causing me to sink too far into little space we're I lose control, with that little bit of worrie I still have control of some things it keeps me aware. Nick then says "We could just try them at nap time how about that" I looked at him and finally gave in and agreed.

Next time Charlie was regressed
Nicks pov
"You cutie" I said as I played with Charlie hair he was giggling and playing with his toys, I picked him up and said "Alright baby no more play time it's nap time" My rules as a "parent" was he has to have a nap if he's regressed and has to listen and be a good boy, He gets cranky when doesn't have a nap and I can't deal with that it's exhausting so it's easier if he has a nap. Charlie frowned and said "Nu nwap" I kissed his cheeks and forehead  "Yes nap now don't be a bad boy listen to daddy" Charlie looked at me intensely "You need a diaper when you go down for a nap now let me get you changed" I grabbed the new stuff we gotten and laid him on the bed I took off his pants and rubbed him in rash cream then baby powder, This isn't too bad is it" then I did his diaper up and he looked so valuable like this, I put him in a onesie and put him in bed.

After an hour Charlie came down stairs and said "Dada i'm hungwey" I smiled and lifted him up on the chair, I made him a smoothie and put it in a bottle and held the bottle for him. he drank it and was very happy after, I almost forgot to check his diaper, I undid the snaps at the back of his bum and the lines on the diaper were blue meaning he had filled it. I picked him up on my hip "You used the diaper so good baby I just need to clean you up now" I placed him down on the mat placed on the bed and i realized right before I opened it up that this awful smell was coming from him. I opened the diaper to reveal the huge mess he made, I think charlie really let go when he used the diapers. I started wiping away but Char was squirming too much "Baby stop" he didn't so I told him "You'll get a spank" he kept moving so I lifted his bum up by pulling up his legs then spanked his bottom not hard because I didn't want him to cry he stopped moving and let me wipe him down then use cream and powder. I put on a fresh diaper and Charlie crawled back into bed and I joined him this time feeling tired myself, he cuddled under my arm and used my thumb as a pacifier I couldn't reach his so I let him use my finger.

A few hours later
Charlie was awake and he was pulling off the diaper I got out of bed and pulled it back up "No baby you need that" Charlie turned to me "I'm done with this" I didn't say anything until he changed into his normal clothes he wasn't little anymore. "Sorry I just thought you were still in little space" "Nick I don't want to wear diapers it's embarrassing and weird" I hugged him "But you need them today really showed me that and I don't mind changing you" Charlie looked like he seen a ghost "You what" I looked at him with care "Well you had some accidents I couldn't let you sit in it all afternoon" Charlie started crying "I'm so sorry I didn't mean too" I hugged him again "I know and it's ok it's ok"

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