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With some fear in his steps, Alex worked his way to Fiona's house; stil not fully sure about his intentions, he passed the fence and headed to the porch.
Right in front of the door, he had second thoughts, although he rang the doorbell and stepped back, waiting for someone, hopefully Fiona, to answer.
She did not, the burly and intimidatory figure of Kevin Maher, Fiona's father did.
He raised one of his bushy eyebrows, to check him out, with his piercing green eyes, just like her daughter. Alex watched as his full lips crunched into a disgusted face. «Who are you?» he asked.
Suddenly Alex's mouth was completely dry. «Fiona's friend...» He swallowed the lump in his throat that prevented him from talking. «from school.» he lied.
Kevin slowly nodded. «Right,» he said, not fully convinced. «and what do you want?»
Alex knew Kevin was very protective with his daughter, and he was sure that if he knew they kissed, he would have slapped him and all the other boys that kissed her. «A- a school project.» he lied again.
«And you came now?» he asked him. «At nine in the evening.»
Alex stopped breathing, as Kevin's gaze felt like burning him alive. «I-»
«I'm kidding,» Kevin said. «wait I'll call her.»
When Kevin turned around, and disappeared, Alex finally started breathing again and felt way more relieved.
After long seconds, Fiona popped up at the door. She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. «Hey Al,» she said. That nickname sounded different from her lips. «you alright?»
«Y-yeah, just wanted to give you this.» he said, handing her a white paper sheet, folded in four parts. «And this.» he added.
Fiona smiled. «McVitie's Penguin?» she asked taking the snack. «How do you know I like them?»
«You always had one in elementary school.» he said.
Fiona smiled again. «But why all this?»
«Read the letter... I'm better at writing.» he said. Fiona started picking the edges of the paper to spread it open. «No, wait, not now.» Alex stopped her. «After I leave.» he said.
She nodded smiling. «Alright,» she said. «then go away.»
«Yeah sorry.» Alex said.
Before he could turn around and walk away, she grasped him from the arm and pull him closer, to kiss him on the cheek. «Now you can go.»
He shyly smiled and walked away, blushing and touching the exact spot in which she kissed him.

Quickly Fiona ran up the stairs, to get to her room and read Alex's letter. His handwriting wasn't the best, but it was still readable.
"I might not change the wrong perception you have about yourself, but I want to let you know, if perhaps you didn't notice, how gorgeous you look to my eyes; and after the long conversation we have had, that night after the party, I discovered another, just as beautiful, part of you that not everybody has had enough courage to see. But deep down I enjoy it, the idea of being the only one to have seen this wonderful side of you.

P.s. I imagined you haven't eaten anything today, so I hope you'll at least try a Penguin."

Fiona's heart was exploding in her chest, filled by joy and happiness. He was right, she haven't eaten anything throughout the whole day, but his sweetness made her eat the Penguin, as she read again the letter.

The following day, Fiona, as well as Alex, had school, therefore she couldn't have thanked him, if not that very evening.
She was going to Alex's house by memory, but luckily, she met him halfway through.
They were meters from each other, but he instantly recognised her. «Fiona?» he asked surprised.
She smiled and speeded up, throwing her arms around his neck, pulling him in a hug. At first he was surprised, but it didn't take much before he hugged her back. She let his fragrance sweeten her nostrils and smiled.
When she pulled away, she didn't actually pull away, but cupped his face in her hands, and kissed him on the lips. It was nothing compared to Murdock, nor every other guy she has ever kissed.
This time, she made her tongue slip in, and surprisingly, Alex wasn't as unable as she expected him to be, indeed he was perfect.
They kissed until their lips felt numb, and with shy smiles, they pulled away. A short silence, filled with empty looks away, fell between them.
Alex manage to break it. «I imagine you liked the letter.» he said to tone down the slight awkwardness that was born.
She giggled and looked at him. «I'm sorry I treated you like shit all this time.» she said, taking his hand.
Alex's heart started beating faster and faster, as he felt her skin on his. «What? No- you- I-»
She smiled and kissed him again. «You're cute when you stammer.»
He smiled. «Now I can take you somewhere or...»
«Too soon young boy,» Fiona smiled, patting Alex's chest. «but if you're free we can go out after.»
«Alright, but eat, anything-» before Alex could finish, another voice interrupted him.
«Alexander, I hope you set the table or I-» a female's voice started saying. «Oh I didn't see you there, you're Fiona, right?» the woman, Penny, Alex's mother, approached Fiona smiling. «I used to teach to your bother.»
Fiona smiled. «Yeah, I remember him talking about how much he loved your lessons.»
«How sweet of him.» Penny smiled. «Are you staying for dinner?»
Fiona have a quick look to Alex. «No, but we're going out tonight.» he said for her.
«Did he promise you money?» his father, David, joined on his wife's side. «Because he doesn't have any.»
Fiona giggled looking at Alex, who looked bad at his father, smiling at his own joke.

Still Take You Home// Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now