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It was two months since the party at Fiona's house; one month since Alex and Fiona started dating.
Hand in hand the couple was walking to meet their friends, who were drinking in a park.
The sun disappeared long before and slowly the stars were popping out, garnishing the sky.
Just like every other teenager, the two were talking about music. «What about the Oasis?» Alex said.
«Oh, I love them.» Fiona said. «I remember you at the primary school graduation ceremony, with Helders and some others, mimed a performance of Morning Glory.» she said with a cheeky smile.
Alex blushed and looked down. «God, why do you remember that?»
«Matt was Liam Gallagher and you... you pretended to play the bass guitar, with a tennis racket, right?»
«Let's talk about something else.» Alex said embarrassed.
«Stop it, you were cute.»

Arrived at the park, it was music and laughs to greet them. «I hope they're not mad 'cause I invited Flo.» Fiona said to Alex.
«Mad 'cause you invited a girl?» he asked. «They couldn't be happier, look at them.»
Fiona giggled and gently kissed Alex. «Get a room.» somebody yelled.
She looked over, whilst Alex kept his gaze on Fiona, knowing very well who spoke. It was Chris, who was laughing as he had said the funniest joke.
Albert was trying to talk to Florence, but as soon as she saw Fiona, she left him.
Alex walked away to get a beer for him and Fiona, and so Florence approached. «Thank you for inviting me, they're all so sweet and funny.» she said.
«Oh no problem,» Fiona smiled. «at least now there is another girl in addition to me and Brook.»
Brook was making out with her boyfriend, sat on his lap.

The night was going great: there was music, drinks and laughs. Sat on benches or the floor, the group started teasing each other, slurring jokes with drunken voice. «Yeah remember when Jed asked the teacher if she gave him a bad mark 'cause he was black,» Aidan said. «and she started crying 'cause she felt guilty.»
Everybody burst out in loud and real laughs, even for the most stupid things, but they were all tipsy.
Brook and Marcus left to be alone, Florence was with Jamie somewhere and Matt fell asleep.
Suddenly it seemed like every topic was over, nobody had any more stories to tell and so they all looked around. «I still cannot believe how you two are together.» Albert said, referring to Fiona and Alex.
«Leave it.» Alex said.
Fiona got interested. «Why'd you think that?»
Albert softly chuckled. «I mean look at him.»
Everybody started giggling. «Alright stop.» Alex protested, but still smiling.
«Who could have guessed that the spoiled rich girl, would have dated Alex.» Albert said.
Fiona's smile disappeared in a second, everybody was laughing and she looked at Alex, hoping to see him stand up for her, but he just chuckled like everybody else.
Maybe because it was the truth, but it really hurt Fiona. She didn't like the word "spoiled", it hunted her since she was born.
With a disappointed face she stood up and without a word, she walked away.
«Shit.» Alex said under his breath, when he noticed Fiona was gone.
He stood up, leaving the beer on the floor, cleaned his jeans from the dirt and walked in pursuit of his girlfriend. It was very dark and he had no idea of where she could have been; he was about to give up, when then, a cloud of smoke pointed out where she was.
He quickly walked up and saw her figure from the back, and her hand lightened up by the cigarette she was smoking. «Love.» he called her.
She didn't turn around. She looked down and not her lower lip, facing her matters made her cry, she knew she wasn't able to deal with an argument without crying.
Alex, aware that she wouldn't have turned around, approached to face her. «Hey what happened?» he asked. «We were having fun, joking around... you were laughing.»
Her face lost that sparkle that usually adorned her features. Her eyes were off. «You laughed.» she said quietly. «He called me spoiled.»
Alex tapped his foot on the floor, to release the tension. «He is a dick,» he said. «you know it.»
«But you laughed,» she repeated. «everybody laughed, they all think I'm just a "spoiled rich girl"...» she said, quoting Albert. «you think I'm a "spoiled rich girl".»
By her expression it was clear how that hurt her even more. She liked Alex because she was sure he was different, that he didn't like her just for her appearance or her persona.
«I do not think that,» Alex said. «you're just believing stupid words coming from a drunk prick.»
«I believe him because he is right.» she said convinced.
Alcohol was finally hitting: Alex's head started spinning and a sense of nausea filled his mouth. It was even hard to stay still. «Listen I can't do this right now,» he said. «don't listen to him, trust me.» he said marking the word "me".
«I'm going home.» she said, throwing the end of the finished cigarette on the floor.
Alex groaned. «Why are you doing this? Why can't you just listen to me?» he asked her.
She bit her lower lip, on the edge in between lying or saying the actual truth.
«So?» he said, pushing her onto a conclusion.
«Because I don't trust you,» she spat. «who ensures me that you are not just like the other?» Alex was completely shocked. «Why should I think you don't just stay with me, then leave me and talk shit about me just like the others?»
In Fiona's head, it all made sense, but maybe she was just drunk, and the day after, it wouldn't have made sense.
«Are you kidding me? You don't trust me?» Alex asked. «Why am I even doing this then?» he was about to say something, but stopped himself. «You know what? You're right.» he said. «I'm gonna leave you and talk shit about you with my friends, go home.»
Fiona didn't expect that, and so she stayed in front of him, staring at his eyes.
«What? You heard what you wanted to hear.» He turned around. «Goodnight.» he said, and left her there.

Still Take You Home// Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now