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Another week passed by, and all that Fiona could think of, was going out, with her boyfriend and his friends; therefore throughout the whole week she only thought of that, with anticipation and joy.
«You're late.» Fiona said, opening the front door of her house, when Alex rang the doorbell to pick her up.
«Five minutes, mardy bum,» he said. «I live far from here.»
She smiled and kissed him. «So,» Fiona said. «where are we going?»
«There is this place,» Alex said. «Marcus' girlfriend said it's fun.»
Fiona slowly nodded.

Just an hour later, they found themselves in the line, waiting to get in the club, where loud music was blasting through enormous speakers. «Are you sure I'll find a bird in here?» Aidan asked to Brook, Marcus' girlfriend, a tiny blonde haired girl. «I'm going in just if I'll hook up with someone.»
«I don't know, do you think they want to hook up with you?» she said cheekily. He sarcastically laughed, mocking her. «I'm just kidding. » she said.
Fiona was talking to Jamie, when Brent, a new enter in the group, approached Alex. «Is she your girlfriend now?» Brent asked him, looking at Fiona.
He looked at her. «Yeah.» he answered.
«So it's not a good time to tell you I fancy her?» Brent asked him.
What a way to begin it all, he thought.

After thirty minutes of Jamie complaining about the queue, they finally got to the top of it. There, they saw two bouncers dressed in black, one of them seemed alright, on the other hand, the other one was pretty intimidating. «Girls.» he said to Fiona and Brook, making them go through, without even checking their ID's and without paying. He then blocked the entrance for the rest of the group. «It's full.» he firmly said.
«But you're getting the birds in.» Andy protested.
«Yeah.» he said, letting other girls in.
Both Brook and Fiona waited for the others at the threshold.
«It's not fair.» Andy said.
«You either step out the queue, or we'll have to make you.» the bouncer menacingly said.
«The fuck's your problem?» Alex stepped in.
«Come back when you'll be a hot bird I can let in.» he said.
«Are you seriously sexualising them?» he asked refereeing to Fiona and Brook. «Fucking wanker.»
He was probably out of my mind, saying those things to a man who was twice as tall as him.
The bouncer was ready to put his big hands around his neck to choke him, when then Chris distracted him. «Just let us in.» he said.
The man, clearly irritated, stepped forward and placed his big hand on Chris's chest. «Step. Out.» he repeated, pushing Chris back.
He accidentally pushed someone behind him, who in turn pushed someone else, making him drop his drink. «What the fuck, mate.» he said to the other one, with much anger in his trembling voice.
«It wasn't my fault.» the other one said.
The bouncer was smirking, that's exactly what he wanted and before Alex and his friends could see arms and bottles fly, they left, walking back past ten-thousand eyes in the line, as Fiona and Brook followed them, giving back looks at the bouncers.

It was dark outside, and out of sorts from what happened, Andy and Chris brought Scrumpy Jack cider in cans, along with some cheap beers.
They went to a car dumb, in which Chris found an old car, without glasses or doors, where he sat on the hood, with the cider and beers and a wireless radio he brought. Brook sat next to him and Marcus, meanwhile Andy, Nick, Matt and Jamie pushed another wreck of a car closer, so that they could sit in front of them. Jamie climbed and sat on the roof with Matt and Andy, whilst Nick, Alex and Fiona, sat on the windshield.
A song after another, they were all tipsy. The empty cans covered the whole area, as they were loudly laughing and signing. «Jamie please stop,» Brook begged him joking. «you sound like an angry old lady.»
He laughed and stopped singing.
Fiona could feel all the cider and beer she drank, in my stomach; she was resting her head on Alex's shoulder, hearing him humming the song played on the radio.
«Is that a riot van?» Chris asked.
Andy laughed. «It is,» he said chuckling. «we should start running.»
«Hope they'll get you.» Brook said, before jumping off the car.
The group divided like oil in water. «Follow me.» Fiona said to Alex, taking him by the hand and dragging him along.
They ran together between the broken cars, bypassing ripped tires and wheel caps.
After she checked where the policemen were, she pushed him between two lorries; they were facing each other, a couple of inches apart, she was too close, her body pressed onto him.
Suddenly he stopped breathing without even noticing. «Darling, I'm literally having a bo-» he tried to say, but she, luckily, stopped him, covering his mouth with the palm of her hand.
«Please just stop talking 'cause they won't find us if you do.» she whispered.
Alex slowly nodded staring at her lips, slightly coloured by her cherry chapstick.
She kept checking and checking were everybody was. «We have to got to your left, on your right there is an officer.» she said. He looked confused. «Do you understand me? We'll go to the left, not the right.» she repeated, to then look around and check if they could go ahead. «Come one,» she said tapping her hand on his chest. «we can go.»
She saw the policeman going in the opposite direction, and so she stealthily took the other way, but Alex wasn't following her, instead, he took the right, like she told him not to.
When Fiona turned around, she saw him with a policeman in front of him, so she approached, with a bit of fear in her chest. «Have you been drinking, son? You don't look old enough to me.» the man in blue said.
I was ready to answer, but Alex spoke first. «I'm sorry, officer is there a certain age you're supposed to be? 'Cause nobody told me
Fiona looked down and shook her head rubbing a hand on her forehead, to the stupid answer he gave. The policeman turned around and saw Fiona. «We didn't drink sir, we were just having fun.» she lied. He didn't seem to believe her. «Can you just let us go home?» she politely asked.
He sighed and looked at Alex and then back at Fiona. «I'll let you go home, but I don't wanna see you here again.» he said.
She nodded, thanked him and took Alex's hand, to pull him away with her. «You stupid asshole.» she whispered to him.

Still Take You Home// Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now