That two letter word worked quite well to show what I felt. But yet it didn't because how I felt when I woke up was like my stomach was crumbling and flares of pain shot through me every once in a while.
I was laying in a large enough bed in a pretty damn fancy room. Candles were lit all around and it appeared to be nightfall. There was some strange music that sounded like drums and a woman having a baby.
I tried to sit up but my body wouldn't permit it. My back and stomach hurt more than I have ever hurt before.
"Hello? Anybody?" I called out weakly and soon Sam, Asher, and Cody rushed in.
Asher looked much better. Cody looked just as tattooed as he normally does. And Sam looked beautiful and concerned.
"Where are we?" I asked grimacing in pain, "And where is Natasha??"
Sam looked at the other for a second the at me, "We warded her off and stopped you from nearly drowning. She seemed though like...Like she had already gotten what she wanted."
As Sam told me, all the events of what happened in the desert rushed back to me. The sword through my stomach, the fall down the hill, mind numbing pain, then numbness.
"Where are we now?"
Cody spoke up, "We're at Hotel Terme Millepini. It's in Italy."
Sam and Asher looked at him incredulously and he flushed, "What I have a good memory."
Asher shook his head, "We got here because a rescue helicopter came. They took us in and where going to take you to a hospital but given your record..."
Sam cut him off, "We hijacked the helicopter. The pilot will safely be found but as of now he's somewhere in Rome."
"How did you get me in here?" I asked frowning.
"I have connections." Cody replied and I sighed.
"More mysteries? Damn."
This earned a few laughs but I didn't feel like laughing. I raised my hands up slowly and held them out to Cody, "Help me up."
He looked uncertain and looked at Sam as if for help, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea..."
"Just do it." I snapped.
He was clearly taken off guard by my response but slowly he gripped my hands and helped me to me feet.
I felt unstable at first so I held onto him then I regained my composure. Sam, Asher, and Cody all looked at me worriedly but I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. If I remember correctly this has the worlds largest swimming pool, the Y-40. It's like 137 feet deep so why not go swim there?"
Not waiting for their response, I walked into the bathroom slowly and feebly. I shut the door then carefully peeled off my shirt.
Sure enough, there was a bandage thickly put down on my stomach and I could feel another on my back.
I gently pulled the bandage off but no matter how gently I pulled, it still hurt like a bitch.
I finally got it off but when I did, I saw a small vertical hole. Red pup inside it obviously blood. It was extremely painful to stretch it but around the wound were hundred of purple blood vessels going away from the wound. Never before had I had a wound like this and I didn't know what to do.
I looked up in the mirror and looked at my face. Dark shadows were under my eyes and my face was starting to look a little gaunt.
Dark shadows, veins around my wound, and my face looking gaunt. Doesn't take an idiot to figure that out.

The Wanderer (Book #2)
ActionThe Orphan is now officially alone, in the middle of Russia. After killing a famous leader of the Russian Mafia known as Alexander Afonasy and blowing up their base, he is kicked out of Cage Rimmer's protection and he has no means of surviving alone...