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The sunshine was bright and warm, doing nothing to dry up my rain clouds and improve my sour mood. In fact, it did nothing but irritate me and turn my sadness bitter. The yellow rays forced their way into the classroom, filling every crack and crevice they could find. My head rested on my palm, shoulders slumped forward as I kept my attention on the little blue butterfly fluttering about. The teacher droned on and on and while I should be paying attention, I just didn't have it in me. It wouldn't matter come tomorrow.

The bell rang five or so odd minutes later and my chest became heavy as I went to grab my bag, my friend Dylan swooping in and grabbing it, throwing it over his shoulder while he offered me a bright white smile.

"Hey, don't look so glum. Day isn't over yet." He nudged my shoulder as we walked down the halls.

I sighed, "I know. I'm sorry. I just feel like maybe I'm the only one that's sad I'm leaving."

He shook his head, quick to kill off the negative thoughts racing through my brain, "Hey, we are too sad that you're leaving. I mean we're not gonna be able to see each other until holiday breaks or the summer. I won't get to see my favorite girl!"

It was my turn to shake my head, a little smile on my face as we stopped at Emma's locker, "Shut up, Dyl."

"You're sad y/n is leaving aren't you, Emma?" The dark haired boy asked the ginger.

Emma shut her locker and made a 'really' face, "Of course I'm gonna be sad. Who said I wasn't?"

"Y/n." Dylan said blankly.

"What about y/n?" Dani, a light skinned girl with blonde curls came over with our other friend Pete.

"She thinks that we aren't sad that she's moving and leaving us." Dylan explained.

"Girl that's just silly." Dani huffed.

"I wish I could just take you guys with me. I don't want to have to socialize with anyone else to make friends." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Well shit, I don't have anywhere I need to be tomorrow I'll come with." Pete jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

"We'll stay in touch, don't worry." Emma told me before she headed off to class early.

"Beside, isn't your dads husband like super rich or something? You'll probably forget us while you're doing rich people things." Dylan shrugged up my backpack further on his shoulder as we walked to our next class, Dani and Pete already gone.

"I'm not gonna be doing rich people things. He's an interior designer, not the CEO of Apple." I rolled my eyes, "I'm just not entirely on board with leaving my mom."

Dylan just smiled sadly at me and didn't have anything else to say. Nobody had anything to say when I brought up my mom, especially when I told them I didn't want their fake pity and 'I'm sorrys'.

My mom had cancer in multiple parts of her body. Cancer was something that had frequented my family. The rot made me feel like I had to count my days till it was my turn to suffer. Multiple treatments of chemo and still the disease was spreading. Soon it would claim her. My mother and step father both thought, knowing what was going to happen in the end, that I should be with my father, Steve. So it was settled, no matter how much I wanted to be here in her final moments, her dying wish was for me not to live in her sadness and grief. Little did she know I could sulk and be depressed anywhere. A change of scenery wasn't going to help me. So I put on a fake smile and agreed to ease her conscience.

Bye bye sunny California and hello to the "what kind of weather are we getting today?" Michigan, where my father was the police chief and his husband, Tony, was an interior designer. It's not that I didn't like my dad, him and I actually got along really well and I liked Tony. I just was banking on the thought of getting my own place once I graduate at the end of the year. Which, side note, wasn't a very comforting feeling knowing I was starting at a new school in the middle of a semester of my senior year.

Dylan walked me to my last class of the day, slipping my bag off his shoulders and I took it with a half smile, saying I'd see him after before going to take my seat. I was kinda thankful for the fact I didn't share this class with any friends, it just meant I could be alone with my thoughts.

Soon enough all things must come to an end and the bell rang. Everyone was excited the school day was over while another kid asked about the upcoming football game. As usual Dylan was waiting by my class door when I walked out and we caught up with our other friends and headed out the doors to our cars.

"Hey y/n!" Billy yelled my name with a smirk on his face and I could only image the things the schools bad boy was going to say, "Since it's your last day at Woodsboro High, can I get that kiss now?"

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, "I'll kiss you when I'm on my deathbed."

Billy giggled, "can I call you my sleeping beauty?" His friends snorted and I felt bad for his girlfriend Sidney. Billy Loomis was a walking red flag.

"Fuck off, Loomis!" I yelled, getting in my car and throwing my backpack in the back seat.

"That guys an asshole." Dylan scoffed, putting his bag between his feet.

I hummed, turning the car on, "You can say that again. I'm glad I won't have to see his face anymore. Shame it'll probably just be replaced by another asshole."

Dylan chuckled, "Now you can say that again."

I left the school parking lot, following the flow of traffic and being aware because more than half these assholes with cars didn't care to follow the rules and drive right. I'm not joking when I say someone is going to get into an accident leaving the parking lot one of these days.

Following the flow of traffic we made it out of the school safely, tagging along behind our other friends as they drove all heading to our secret spot one last time. It was really just an old boat dock that Pete's parents didn't use anymore. This was one of the spots we always got drunk at. When we made it, I texted my step dad, Stephen (I know right, my mom really had a thing for guys named Steve/Stephen. This one was a doctor though.) to let him know where I was and that I would be home in time for our last dinner together as a family.

"Our last night out on the boondocks all together 2k22, baby. Smoke on the water." Pete breathed, looking around at the scenery before lighting up a blunt.

Playfully I rolled my eyes at him as I sat at the end of the dock, shoes off as I let my feet glide across the chilly water.

"It's a beautiful one." Dylan said, sipping on his water.

"You want this, y/n?" Pete asked, trying to hand me the burning blunt.

"You know I don't smoke." I mumbled.

"Shit, I do!" Dani giggled, taking the blunt from the tall boy.

"It's your last night! You don't wanna try new things?" Pete asked.

"This sounds a lot like peer pressure." I teased.

"Just don't wanna go see daddy cop smelling like the devils lettuce?" Emma nudged me, scaring me a little because I forgot she was here.

I shoved her, "I just don't want to, okay?"

"Chill y/n." Dylan said, tossing me a can of beer from the back of Pete's car.

To my surprise, I caught it and just like the others, I cracked it open. I wasn't really in the mood to drink or to be.. Here. Especially after that interaction. I knew they were just joking around, but was it all jokes? Maybe I was thinking too deeply about it, but maybe I didn't really feel like I had a connection with them like I thought. Maybe I didn't care if they weren't sad I was leaving, because I wasn't really sure if I was gonna even miss them in the first place.

I put the drink up to my lips and took a small sip, hating the taste of the White Claw on my tongue. I guess if I wanted to drink, I wanted to drink the good and hard stuff. Not too long after I took my first sip, I left. I said my half assed goodbyes and took off. Dylan could get a ride or stay the night here, I didn't care.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Goodbye and fuck you, Woodsboro High.

A/n: first chapter thoughts?

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