twenty one

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The walls were murmuring and I peeled my eyes back, opening and closing them a few times before they were fully adjusted. There was a pain in my left arm and it felt tough to move. Looking at it there was a fresh white bandage taped to my arm. I groaned lowly, sitting up with a little difficulty and the door to the room I was in opened.

"You're awake." Natasha breathed, her hard green eyes softening some, "I was worried. How are you feeling?"

"Like my arm just got chewed off." I mumbled, "other than that, best sleep of my life."

Natasha nodded and awkwardly clapped her hands back and forth in front of her, "Do you uh, do you remember what happened?"

I licked my dry lips and thought for a moment, recollecting the memories and trying to piece them in order and every piece of the puzzle told me..

"Peter lost control. I paid the price." I told her quietly, as if accepting there was no helping my best friend.

The ginger haired woman nodded, "you have deep long scratches on your arm. they will.. they will scar. Wanda cleaned them up and laid some healing herbs on them."

I nodded, my eyes finding the white bandage and I couldn't imagine how many they had to go through, imagining all the blood they had to clean up.

"Is Peter..." I trailed off and Natasha sucked in a breath, the air thickening around us making it hard to swallow the lump in my throat.

"He still lives. The council and the pack will hold a meeting to decide his fate." The woman spoke.

I nodded my head lazily, scoffing a little, "you know he wasn't always like this. wasn't so... angry. He's only an 18 year old boy."

"Sometimes the beast's blood drives a fine line between good and evil. It's up to the human to tame the beast."

"And sometimes people need help in controlling their emotions. Something an alpha seems responsible for." I hissed, finally looking the wolf in the eyes.

"Do you think I should cut him some slack? After all the shit he put you through? The anger, the vile words, and now scarring you forever all because he couldn't accept that you weren't his. That's what this boils down to, y/n. You are not his."

"And I'm not yours either, only to the eyes of your moon goddess am I yours. Human to human, I am not."

Natasha clenched her jaw and I knew I had hurt her with my words because as soon as I said them, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart like a dagger sang the song of heartbreak before lodging itself in my heartstrings.

"He hurt a member of the pack. His rage and his emotions have brought this upon himself. There was nothing you could have done for him. Peter will be judged in front of the council and they will decide his fate."

"And does the loyal alpha have no say for her fellow pack members?" I shot back.

"Peter didn't even wanna be apart of this pack!" She snarled before taking a deep breath, "I tried-"

"More like gave him warnings to stay away from me." I shook my head with a roll of my eyes.

"For good reason." She gestures to my arm, "You confuse me, you know. You're all hateful towards Peter, telling him time and time again that you are not his-"

"But I wasn't trying to shut him out! I wasn't telling him to not join the pack. Peter made his own choices."

"Hurt people hurt people." Natasha said in an even tone, her eyes hardening once more, "he is lucky to find himself alive. Had he been anyone else, he would have been dead for hurting you."

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