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"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Zemo asked Rumlow as they both crept around in the dark outside of Natasha's home.

Rumlow rolled his eyes, "Bosses orders. Besides when have you ever wanted to do something good?"

"Never. But we're about to go inside the den of the alpha. Alphas are naturally stronger than any wolf." Zemo stated.

Rumlow scoffed, "That ain't true. It's a myth. Alphas are just regular dogs with a fancy title, but this one ain't nothing special. Now you go around the back and I'll check the front."

Zemo nodded and took off around the back of the house. Both men looked through the windows, trying to see if the wolf was in. Rumlow couldn't see any movement inside the house so he moved on to, well, kicking in the door with a laugh.

"That's more like it." Rumlow chuckled, pulling up his pants.

"So, where do we start?" Zemo asked, coming in through the broken door.

Rumlow smirked, "Anywhere." before picking up the coffee table and throwing it down on the ground so it broke and shattered. The wolf duo broke, ripped, burnt, and destroyed everything inside of Natasha's house. They pissed on things as wild dogs did and Rumlow was even kind enough to ejaculate all over Natasha's bed.

When they were done the place was completely trashed and barely recognizable. Both of them were satisfied with themselves, slipping off back into the midnight woods and to report the news to their boss. Job was done.


I groaned, feeling a smile on my face and turning over to cuddle into Natasha's warm body only to find there was nobody there. My eyes opened, seeing the redhead sitting with her knees up and arms draped over them.

"Morning." I greeted with a smile, running my fingers through my hair and picking stray leaves and pine needles, laughing under my breath as I did so.

Natasha didn't say anything which I thought was a little odd. Looking at her, her skin had dirt smudges but was heavily covered in scratch marks. For a second I thought she got attacked by an animal but then I remembered everything we did last night and came to the conclusion I was the wild animal that attacked her. More like she attacked me but you get the idea.

I looked around, staring at the gorgeous and various green trees. The view was so peaceful when you lay on the ground and stare up at the trees. My eyes drifted around some more and my breath hitched in my throat when I saw the beautiful silhouette of a mountain peaking through some clouds.

"Nat.. where are we?" I asked turning back to her.

Her jaw ticked before she answered, "Denver."

"Colorado?!" My mouth hung open and I started to fill with anxiety, running my hands through my hair, "My clothes where are my-" I stopped and huffed, "Right, we're not back home."

"I'm not too thrilled to be here either. So don't even start." Natasha huffed.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Excuse me? It's not my fault that we literally fucked through the woods all night and ended up here. Real sorry for that one." I said the last part sarcastically before taking a breath.

"I'm not saying that it's your fault. It's mine. I lost control." Natasha huffed, seeming angry about it.

"Then what is your problem?" I asked.

Natasha opened her mouth to respond before she closed it again. There was a long pause that started to make me angry after a while. The silence was loud.

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