twenty two

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The afternoon air was chilly, gusts of wind blowing through the trees as if Mother Nature was expressing her own opinions. Today was the day Peter faced the council; Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson and Alexander Pierce.

The council building held beautiful stonework architecture from generations of wolf shifters. Holding to the tradition, each pack member brought a ceremonial blade to their palm and cut into their skin, dropping only a few blood drops into the wooden bowl beneath the statue of the moon goddess. It was to signify the secrecy of the pack, a symbol to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Among older generations there was a superstition that if you lied or were of ill intentions during the council, the moon goddess would punish you.

Four stone seats were placed around the circular room for each council member. The pack members each too had their own little seated gallery where each member took their seats, except for Natasha who stood in the center of the room.

One by one the council members came in wearing hooded, satin navy blue robes. Pushing the hood away from their face, each member was revealed before taking their seats. It went Nick Fury in the middle, then Marie Hill to his left and Phil Coulson on his right. Next to Phil was Alexander Pierce.


"Today, November twenty first, two thousand and twenty two, we hold the trial of Peter Benjamin Parker, a wolf shifter. Please bring in the accused." Nick Fury spoke. The large doors opened, echoing off the room as two men brought in the senior boy. He wore Cotton trousers and a short sleeve cotton shirt. Around his neck was a spiked collar, making it so he would kill himself if he phased. The boy was brought in the middle of the room and pushed to his knees right next to me.

"Take off the collar." I gruffed, looking directly into Nick Fury's eyes.

Alexander Pierce scoffed, "I mean we are here for a reason right? I mean this is how we do things."

"I didn't mean to hurt anybody." Peter mumbled to himself but loud enough so that I, and the council members, could potentially hear him.

"Take off the collar." I said again.

"And if he phases and attacks all of us-" Pierce started.

"Come on, just take off the collar!" Clint yelled from the back of the room.

"There's a room full of strong wolf shifters. Parker would be stupid to try something. I understand it's the way things have always been done but this is my pack member and I want that collar off." I growled.

"Your pack member huh, I guess we have somebody to blame for all this mess." Alexander laughed.

Nick held up his hand to silence him and the gray haired man stopped his laughter, "Take the collar off."

"Oh come on, Nick!" Pierce huffed and I smirked to myself, ripping off the collar before the men with the key could unlock it.

"I trust Romanoff." Was all Nick had said, making the older council member grumble and huff like a child.

"Thank you." I smiled smugly, looking directly at Alexander.

"So, there has been an incident if I am not mistaken? Y/n Rogers, fellow imprint of our alpha, has been attacked by one of the newest wolf shifters." Nick said.

"And the boy still lives?" Maria looked shocked, "Impressive. Our alpha shows quite the restraint."

"Peter is a lifelong friend of y/ns. The option to kill him isn't exactly up for debate. Peter didn't mean to hurt y/n." I told them.

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