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Ming was tired, and confused as she stared at her sister. The younger of the two shook slightly as she repeated her question.

"Do you think I'm hard to be around?" Onika repeated quietly, Ming blinked a few times before letting out a low sigh. "Onika get in here." Ming commanded, Onika stepped inside and slowly made her way to Mings couch. Ming kept her hand on the doorknob as she continued to eye her sister.

The older one of the two sat on the edge of Ming's couch, hands on her knees—and her teeth between her lip as she nervously gnawed on it. From the way her leg was bouncing, and the way her hands went from her knees to the collar of her sweater as she tugged on it—she was fidgeting.

"Onika, what the hell are you talking about?" Ming finally asked, and Onika let out a low sigh.

"Just answer the question, Ming." She snapped, and Ming rolled her eyes as she walked toward her coach. "Are you hard to be around? Right now you are because you're in my house by choice with an attitude. Now answer me when I ask this—what kind of fuck ass question is that?" Ming asked with her hands on her hips and a glare.

Onika looked down at her shoes for a moment, Ming saw the way her shoulders dropped. Her knees were together and her head was low. Ming knows from spending years of watching Onika cry that this was her go to position when she didn't want anyone to know she was crying.

"Ladybug.." Ming said softly and Onika shook her head. "Never mind." She mumbled before standing up,Ming sighed. "Onika just tell me what's going on, I promise it's going to make whatever stress you're under a little more bearable." Ming said, Onika was pulling away—Ming swore she hated her defense mechanisms. As she looked at her very stubborn sister she already saw traits of her father.

"I'm fine Ming, It was nothing." She mumbled before slowly standing up, she looked like she was trying her best to not wobble over and fall. Ming groaned. "Onika please just talk to me keeping in your emotions doesn't work. Trust me I—"

Ming was cut off by Onikas great eruption.

"Trust you? How could I trust you? You abandoned me for years!" Onika shouted, Ming was a little taken back but she glared at her younger sister. She could feel her own anguish bubbling. The two were hotheads—a trait they could thank their mothers sperm donor for.

"Onika, we talked about this. I didn't do it on purpose—"

"Oh fuck that. You didn't do it on purpose, I'm sure mom didn't either when she would leave for months at a time—I don't care if it wasn't on purpose I was hurt!" She exclaimed, there was a particular crack in her voice. As well as a strain, like something was holding her back—But Ming could tell whatever Onika was holding in desperately wanted to be let out.

Onikas limit was reached.

Onikas dam—was slowly cracking.

"Accidental hurt—I-Is still hurt." Onika mumbled, as her hands trembled. She hated this—this feeling of plunging in her stomach. Her heart had dropped.

"Onika I..I'm sorry. Can we talk about this?" Ming asked, she needed Onika to stay in her vicinity. However, Onika was even more stubborn than Ming.

She took a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders. She bawled her hands in to fist—totry her best and limit the way they trembled ."No. I'm fine." She stated, and Ming knew it was a lie. "Onika." She called, the younger one of the two turned around and began walking to the front door. Ming let out a frustrated groan. "Onika—ignoring your issues aren't going to do you any good!" Ming exclaimed as Onika placed her hand on the doorknob.

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