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Changbin had plans with Seungmin after school, Felix was just fine with that because he had plans to hang out with Hyunjin. He had this whole plan for Hyunjin to come over and help him bake and try out different recipes.

Hyunjin rang the doorbell and Felix ran to open the door, excited to see Hyunjins reaction to the pastries. Hyunjin walked in with a smile and ruffled Felix hair and walked into the kitchen.

Felix follows, his face heating up. Felix has already prepared some cakes and pies, Hyunjin thought he would be sick if he ate all of these, but Felix assured him that he doesn't have to eat all of it at least one bite each.

Felix cut a small piece of each and gave them to Hyunjin. Hyunjin tried them all and loved them all.

"Mmm I love strawberry and chocolate cake!" Hyunjin smiled and took another bite of it.

"Want me to send a piece of it to you when you go home?" Felix asked Hyunjin smiled and nodded

"Thank you, Felix!" Hyunjin smiled and hugged him.

Felix packed a piece of Hyunjins favorite pastries in a box. They hung out some more, just talking about what they wanted to be and how they would get there.

Hyunjin puts his arm behind Felix and rests it there. Felix leaned on Hyunjins shoulder.

"Hey, are you still friends with Changbin?" Hyunjin asked Felix, smiling nodding, "Really we should all hangout soon" Hyunjin smiled, Felix frowned slightly remembering that Changbin would most likely be with Seungmin.

He's not jealous, he just hopes Changbin doesn't start forgetting him.

"Yeah, maybe he's been hanging around Seungmin a lot," Felix shrugged. Hyunjin frowned, "What do you mean?" He asked

"I introduced them because I didn't want Changbin to be alone whenever I'm busy because he always waits for me, and now they seem inseparable, they're hanging out now too" Felix explained

Hyunjin slowly nodded, Felix pulled out his phone to check on them.

Felix: Hey Binnie how's hanging out with Seungmin going?

Binnie: Seungmin spilled his drink all over him!

Then Felix got a video of it, he played it out like it was Seungmin covered with milk tea and Changbin laughing. Seungmin throws the cup at him.

Hyunjin glanced at it and chuckled at how angry Seungmin was. Felix smiled at Hyunjin.

At the mall

Seungmin was trying to put the straw in the milk tea, then the cup broke and got everywhere on him. Changbin got up laughing, trying not to let any of it on himself.

Changbin recorded everything, Seungmin caught him and threw the cup at him getting some in his hoodie, Seungmin mumbled "asshole" under his breath and went to the bathroom to get paper towels.

Changbin followed him and apologize, "I'm sorry but come on it was kinda funny you threw your cup at me" Changbin chuckled Seungmin smiling with him

"It's fine I just didn't expect it, this is going to take forever to wash out" Seungmin groaned

"Oh I have an extra hoodie if you want to cover it up" Changbin smiled getting the hoodie out of him book bag

"It's gonna smell like gross milk" Seungmin said, Changbin just shrugged and handed it to him.

Seungmin put it one and fixed his hair, then they moved on with their day, they were walking down the park and Changbin forgot to check his messages.

Felix: Hahaha that's gonna take forever to get out, Hyunjin says hi and that it looks like they're having fun.

Oh my gosh, Hyunjin saw the video I sent Felix, I should tell Seungmin before he finds out from Hyunjin and kills me.

"Heyyy Seungmin so remember the video I sent to Felix-" he got cut off "You sent it to Felix?" Seungmin asked, confused, "Yeah, he asked how we were doing, so I sent it to him... So Hyunjin saw it" Changbin said, slowly backing away from him

"What?!?" Seungmin shouts, "Nooo that's so embarrassing, Changbin!" Seungmin groaned

"It's just Hyunjin, he says hi and that it looks like we are having fun!" Changbin smiled Seungmin glared at him, "I don't care, I don't want the first thing Hyunjin thinks about when I see him next time is me covered in milk tea!" Seungmin shouts

"I'm sorry I didn't know Hyunjin was with Felix!" Changbin whined

"Still ugh I won't be able to show my face to him" Seungmin frowned, Changbin patted his back, "Why are you so stressed about this, did you figure out your feelings for him?" Changbin tried to joke

"Yes and I like Hyunjin" Seungmin whined Changbin let out a loud gasped and smiled, "OUUUU Seungmin has a crushhh" Changbin teased Seungmin smacked him on his shoulder, "Ow" Changbin frowned.

"What are you going to do?" Changbin asked Seungmin just shrugged, "I think I'll wait just to get my head back together" Seungmin smiled

Changbin felt his phone ding, it was a message from Felix asking if him and Seungmin can hang out tomorrow. Changbin looked at Seungmin showing him the phone, Seungmin agreed and Changbin texted back yes.


Ayeeee another Chapterrrrrrr

One-Sided Love ||Changlix|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now