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"I'm sorry if this is an invasive question and you don't have to answer but what did your boyfriend do to make you so mad?"

"Well. Last week up to yesterday I've been very busy so has he. I was planning something I was very excited about I did it and it was perfect! I invited him to it and he promised me he would be there. I was even happier because we've been so busy to even go out on dates or even sleep in the same bed sometimes. But he told me he could make it he promise he would" Jisung started

"Was he late?" Changbin asked Jisung scoffed, "I wish, he came right when we were done putting up the stuff he missed the WHOLE thing! I worked so hard for it, it was a big dragon sculpture. It was in 6 detachable parts and I did the sculpting they did the painting I was proud of myself and I expressed how important this was to me and he missed the whole thing!" Jisung exclaimed

"Did he say why he missed it?" Changbin asked, Jisung shook his head, "I didn't let him I was too angry. I screamed at him and then went to my house. I was very emotional, ya know?" Jisung explained Changbin nodded

"Do you want to hear him out?" He asked jisung looked down, "I don't think It would make a difference! We've been too busy for each other with schoolwork and our jobs on top of that"

"That's fair but do you want to lose him without knowing why he didn't make it?" Changbin asked, "I don't know... ill think about talking to him." Jisung said Changbin nodded, "well I hope it goes well" Changbin smiled

"Do you wanna come over to my house? This feels more like a hang-out than a date" jisung giggled Changbin agreed and he paid for their food and got into Jisung's car to go to his house. They walked in and crashed on the couch putting on a show to keep them entertained. Suddenly Jisung his phone started to vibrate uncontrollably. He checked his eyes widened Changbin looked at him confused shoving popcorn in his mouth, "what's wrong?" He asked

"He's calling me ill be right back," jisung said getting up and walking to his room clicking the answer button instantly getting met with yelling

"Hyunjin said you were on a date?!? With who what the fuck did you move on already?!? I get you're mad but we could've worked it out!!! But now you are on a date with his fùcking friend! Do you even love me anymore?" Minho yelled sounding like he just got done crying

"Minho can you please calm down the date doesn't even feel like a date I feel like I just made a new friend" Jisung shrugs

"Where are you guys?" He asked sternly, "Not telling you that you may come and ruin a good friendship! If it makes you feel better he asked me to talk to you" Jisung said

"No! That doesn't make me feel better I want you to call me because you want to! Not because your date told you to! Do you want to talk to me?" He asked

Jisung stayed silent for a minute, "why didn't you come?" He asked, " I tried, I did but my boss made me work longer than my phone died, and by the time I got there everything was put up! I really didnt mean to miss it I know how important it was to you but my boss said he would fire me if I don't get the work done" Minho explained

"Exactly we are too busy for each other that's why we're on a break," Jisung said sadly, "I don't want a break! I'll quit my job and try to get another one!" Minho exclaimed

"Don't be stupid! You can't quit, it pays good money!" Jisung said, frowning his eyebrows, "I don't care if it's breaking us apart, I don't want to work there, ok I love you! I don't want a break I wanna buy a house and wake up next to you every fucking day!" He yelled

"Come over to my apartment soon so we can talk. I want to talk face to face, I'm sorry about everything. I became too emotional and went on a date with my friend's friend which I'm pretty sure you'd like! He's sweet, but he's not you. I'm going to drop him off at his house ok?" Jisung said with a small smile he heard a small ok on the other end and hung up.

"Is everything ok?" Changbin asked getting a glass of water Jisung nodded with a smile, "good news I'm going to talk to him hopefully everything will become better, bad news is I have to end this hang-out early he's going to come over soon, I'll drive you home" Jisung smiled

"Well ok let's go I'm happy you talked to him and update me please!" Changbin smiled while walking outside, and getting into his car. They drove to Changbins' apartment. Jisung parked the car in his driveway and saw a black-haired boy peeking through the window, "is that your true love?" Jisung teased Changbin smiled seeing Felix looking at them through the window

"Yep!" Changbin smiled and got out of the car Jisung following along with him, Changbin was about to walk into the door Jisung shouted alarming Changbin hearing the echos

They burst out chuckling, "I didn't mean to shout that loud" Jisung whispered through chuckles, "why did you shout?" Changbin whispered, "I wanted a hug," Jisung pouted. Changbin opened his arms wrapping them around Jisung's waist, and Jisung wrapped his arms around changbins shoulders.

"Bye!" Jisung smiled and walked back into his car Changbin was in his house smiling at Felix

"So how was it?" Felix asked. Changbin looked at him concerned, seeing his puffy eyes.


This week has been rough but I hope you like the book so far and it will be ending soon!

One-Sided Love ||Changlix|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now