Looking for Kion (Nightwing/YJFan)

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"This is the place" Ono said. "Which one is Kions?" Fuli asked. "We've looked everywhere " Bunga said "This one says "Red the Lion" think it could be Kion?" "Bunga climb in and find out." "Ohhh yes! Zuka Zama!" Kion woke as he heard someone in his enclosure we woke to see Bunga. "B-Bunga? Is that you?" "Kion!" Bunga went in for a hug. "No Bunga don't! I haven't been healed yet but I will tomorrow" He's here guys!" Bunga said "Sorry Beshte but you'll have to stay here." Fuli said "I don't mind just let me know if Kions ok." Fuli nodded and went to check on him. "Kion you feel any better?" Fuli asked "I'm getting treatment tomorrow Tom said I need to be well rested for it." "Tom? who's Tom?" "Tom is one of the humans who saved me, he's a friend you could say." Kion yawned. "Want us to leave you get some sleep?" "Ya but first how's mom dad and Kiara?" "They really miss you Kion that's why we're here we wanted to check on you and they did too but they had to stay in the Pride Lands." Kions face dropped and a tear escaped and went down his cheek. "You miss them too, don't you Kion?" Kion nodded weakly and sleepy. Bunga said "I bet you can't wait to see them again." Kion nodded trying to keep his eyes open, Fuli noticed this. "Bunga Ono he's exhausted-. Kion started to drift off as Fuli whispered. We better leave him sleep." The boys left and Fuli stayed behind. She looked at Kion one last time as she was about to leave Kion woke again. "Fuli? D-did I doze off?" Fuli smiled and said, "Yes Kion you did." "I'm sorry it's just-" Kion said yawning. "We understand Kion, now you get some rest we've been here long enough you need to sleep if your going to be able for treatment tomorrow." Kions eyes closed and he said yawning. "You're right Fuli." Fuli left as quietly as possible she climbed over the fence. "How is he?" Beshte asked as they walked. "He's exhausted the minute Bunga stopped talking he dozed off he's also getting treatment tomorrow." "Poor Kion he's never been that tired before." "Well he was up most of last night he was scared to sleep he thought he would die," "But can you blame him his stomach is ripped open at least Rafiki was able to stop blood from coming out" Beshte said. "Ya i dont know how he did it." Fuli said. "I'll tell Simba when we get back the rest of you should go home" Fuli said.

The Lion Guard: What if the humans healed Kion?Where stories live. Discover now