Missing Kion

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Back at Pride Rock, the Guard had just told Simba Nala and Kiara of what was to happen to Kion, how he was being sent all the way to New York City for his surgery. "What in the world is a New York City?" Asked Kiara. "I have no idea. But we can trust the humans, so we should just let them work their magic so that Kion can be cured and returned home." Nala said. "Good idea Nala." Simba agreed. He then dismissed the Lion Guard, and they all then returned back to their homes. "Ugh! This is all so messed up! I miss my little brother so much!" Kiara said about to cry. "We all do Kiara, but we just have to be patient." Simba said. He then took a look outside the den and saw that the sun was setting, so the Royal Family began to settle into their sleeping spots to start winding down for the evening.
4 hours later...
It was now well past 11 pm. Simba and Nala were fast asleep in their sleeping spots, but neither of them were smiling because even when they were not awake, they still couldn't stop thinking about Kion. Kiara on the other hand, was in a much worse state. She was still wide awake tossing and turning in her sleeping spot. She wasn't used to sleeping without Kion right by her side, without him she just felt cold, alone, and even depressed. "I can't do it...! I just can't...!" Said Kiara. She got up onto her feet and then left the den. She trotted down off of Pride Rock and ran over to the Watering Hole. That was when she suddenly stepped on something long, fleshy, and thin. "Ow! Hey!" Said a male voice. It turned out to be Thruston the zebra. "Watch where you're walking little missy! Some of us are trying to sleep." Thruston said angrily. "Please just go away..." Said Kiara coldly. "Not until I get an apology." Thruston said. Kiara just hissed angrily in response, frightening Thruston and making him shudder. "Okay fine. N-Not because I'm scared, but because I can see that you're going through something emotional, and I don't wish to make you more upset." Thruston said, trying to sound confident. He then ran off into the distance. Kiara then just stared down at her reflection in the water, not bothering to drink any. "Are you okay sweetie?" Asked a familiar female voice. Kiara turned her head to see her mother Nala approaching her. "Kiara, what are you doing here this late? Is something wrong?" Asked Nala, as she sat down next to Kiara. "I just miss Kion so much Mom... I don't know what to do without him... He's not just my brother, he's also my best friend..." Kiara said, and then hugged Nala and started crying, burying her face deep into her fur. "I hate Scar and Ushari so much for what they did to him! I hope they spend the rest of time burning in Hell as punishment for all of the hurt that they've done to everyone over the course of both of their stupid pathetic lives!" Kiara ranted angrily and sadly. Nala gently rubbed Kiara's back as she began to sooth her. "Shhh... Shhh... I know baby... It's gonna be okay... Kion will be better soon and he will come back home as good as new..." Nala said softly. Though she was saying it to assure Kiara that everything was gonna be okay, Nala was also saying it to assure herself. She then let a few hot tears of her own drip down her cheeks and into the Watering Hole as she embraced her daughter. It was becoming just too hard for them to stay positive.
Kion was looking through the holes in the door of his carrier to see where he was. He saw that he was in a very lit area filled to the brim with people speaking many different languages other then English. He then got startled by a little 6 year old Korean girl looking straight at him through the door. She was adoring Kion and trying to speak to him, but since she was speaking in Korean, Kion couldn't understand a thing she was saying. He scurried to the back of his carrier and stayed their until the girl's mother came and dragged her away. Kion breathed a sigh of relief. That's when Tom suddenly picked him up so that they could get on the plane to Queens. Tom gave the flight attendant his boarding pass and the two boarded the plane and went over to their seats. Tom bought a seat just for Kion right next to him by the window so that Kion wouldn't have to be loaded into the cargo hold or into an above-head carrier, where he would possibly panic from the enclosure making his condition worse. After a little while, Kion began to hear powerful noises coming from outside. He then noticed that the plane was moving, and eventually it just took off into the air like a bird taking flight. Kion had absolutely no idea as to what was going on, and he began to panic and hyperventilate. "Hevi kabisa!!! What in the Pride Lands is this!?!? Are we in danger!?!? How is this happening, and why are all of these humans so calm about it!?!?" Kion thought. Tom noticed Kion panicking, and quickly turned his carrier around so that Kion would be facing him. "Red, calm down! It's okay, you're in an airplane. These things aren't dangerous. Just sit back, relax, and try to get some rest." Tom said. To help Kion relax, Tom took out his headphones and music player, and then put the headphones onto Kion's carrier. He scrolled through the options and eventually settled on "10 hours of nature sounds". Immediately the soft ambience began to soothe Kion's nerves. Kion was a bit curious as to where the sounds were coming from and how Tom was doing it, but he didn't bother to think too much into it, as his mind was easing so much to the point where he began to get sleepy. Kion's eyes got heavier and heavier, and soon enough, Kion was fast asleep with a cute little smile spreading across his face.

The Lion Guard: What if the humans healed Kion?Where stories live. Discover now