After the surgery

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Kion groaned as he began to awake from his surgery. It was now the next day, and Kion saw that he was back inside the cage and that there was a small surgical scar running just above his bellybutton. The surgery had been a success, all of Ushari's venom had been drained from Kion's system, and he was now cured. "Oh look, he's awake!" Said Megan. They both went over to Kion and opened up his cage. "You did it Red. We're so proud of you." Tom said. That made Kion feel really good. "So um, we'd better leave now if we're gonna make it in time." Megan said. Apparently it was Memorial Day, and in Brooklyn they were hosting a huge parade in honor of America's fallen men. "Okay Red, me and Megan are gonna go out for a while. We'll be back soon, but in the meantime you can just wonder around in here and make yourself at home." Tom said. He even turned on the little TV mounted on the wall for Kion to watch. After they left the room, Kion got up onto his feet and jumped out of the cage. He then sat down on the marble floor looking up at what was on the TV. The picture was in all black and white, and there were these two women packaging mini chocolates on a small conveyer belt. But the belt was moving a bit too fast for them, and so they couldn't keep up in packaging every individual chocolate. Kion didn't know how to really react to what he was seeing. That's when he suddenly heard two voices coming from outside. Tom and Megan had left the window cracked open a little bit so that Kion could get some fresh air, and so that's how he was able to hear. Kion jumped up onto a counter and looked out the window to see what was going on. There he saw the two convicted criminals Muddy and Dallas Grimes talking about how they were gonna attack the Memorial Day Parade by using their van to plow through people standing on the sidewalk. Kion learned enough about humans to know what they were talking about, and he did not like it one bit. He then remembered how Tom and Megan had just gone to see the Memorial Day Parade, and that made him even more freaked out. Tom and Megan had done so much for Kion, and he really didn't want them to get hurt. Muddy and Dallas got into their van and then drove away. Kion began pacing back and forth wondering what he should do. "What am I gonna do? Those two are gonna attack that parade and try to hurt a bunch of innocent people. I can't just stand around and let it happen, but I just got out of a surgery. I can't do this without the Guard. I really wish they were here right now..." Kion said hopelessly. Then as if on cue, Bunga suddenly jumped up onto the counter right in front of Kion. "Your wish is granted!" Said Bunga. Kion couldn't believe his eyes, the entire guard was in the room with him, including Makini. "WHA!? HOW!? WHAT!? WHAT!? HOW ARE YOU GUYS HERE!?!?" Kion asked frantically. "We came this morning on one of those airplane thingies." Bunga said. "Yeah. We snuck into the bottom area of it, and then after we landed we jumped onto one of those moving metal things that humans operate. But that ended in a bit of a messy way, thanks to Bunga." Fuli said glaring at Bunga.
The Guard were all sitting in the back of a dark blue pickup truck on a highway while Ono kept looking around for any sign of Kion. Eventually Ono finally spotted Kion through the small window in the room, and immediately alerted the others. "Guys! I found Kion! He's in that big structure way over there!" Ono said pointing to the building with his wing. "Well then we better go get to him! But how?" Asked Makini. "Let's just jump off this thing, obviously!" Bunga said. "I don't know Little B, we seem to be moving really fast." Beshte said. "Don't worry guys, we'll be fine. Here, I'll go first. ZUKA ZUMAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Bunga screamed as he then jumped off of the back of the pickup truck and then onto the open road, where he began tumbling and front-flipping all over the place. He then ran back first straight into a car which caused it to spin out into another car. Bunga finally came to rest on his face some feet away from the wreckage. That's when a truck driver suddenly spotted Bunga in the road, and in a panic he quickly bolted his truck left which caused it to fall onto it's side right in front of Bunga, causing more cars to run straight into it creating an even bigger pileup. "BUNGA!!!" Fuli shouted. "Hang on Little B!!! We're coming!!!" Beshte shouted as he then shoved everyone else, including himself, off of the pickup truck with his enormous snout. But just like Bunga, everyone just started tumbling around all over the place, causing them to get in the way of even more cars, causing them all to spin out of control in all different directions and causing them to crash. Not too far behind, a man named Tom Anderson and his wife Marcy were driving in their red car which was hauling their trailer. They were on vacation, and all they wanted was some peace and quiet without any chaos getting in their way. "Boy, what I wouldn't give for five minutes alone with them two little bastar-" That's when Tom suddenly got interrupted by Ono smacking into his windshield, blocking Tom's view of the road. Tom yelped with fright, as he drove aimlessly head on into the carnage in front of him. When everything finally calmed down, the entire highway was blocked off by completely wrecked vehicles. Fuli stuck her head out from between two of the totaled cars, and looked around for her friends. "Is everybody okay!?" She called out. The rest of the Guard all came out and confirmed that they were all alright. "Wait, where's my bakora staff!?" Asked Makini. She quickly found it wedged underneath a car, and began to try and pull it out. It immediately snapped in half, with Makini only pulling out the bottom half. "Ugh... There goes another one." Makini said disappointed. "Come on everyone! Let's just go get to Kion and see how he's doing!" Fuli said. Everyone then made their way out of the wreckage and off of the highway, and began walking to the animal hospital while glaring at Bunga the whole way.
End of flashback...
"Woah, that's crazy! But, I'm still so glad that you all are here." Kion said. "We're all glad to see you too Kion. Are you finally cured?" Asked Beshte. "Yeah! I had the surgery, and now I'm as good as new!" Kion said showing off his scar. "Woah! That's unbungalievable!" Bunga said hugging Kion. "Look guys, I know I'm finally cured and all, but we now have another big problem." Kion said about to explain. "We know Kion, we heard everything, and we're gonna help you stop them." Fuli said. "Oh thank you so much guys! I get that this isn't the Pride Lands, and that Tom and Megan are just a couple of ordinary humans, but they've done so much for me, and I don't want them to get hurt." Kion said. "Well nothing is gonna happen to them as long as we're around." Said Ono. "That's the spirit Ono. Now come on Lion Guard! There's no time to waste!" Kion said. "TIL THE PRIDE LANDS END, LION GUARD DEFEND!" They all said as they ran out of the animal hospital, and off into the same direction Muddy and Dallas drove off in.

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