Foiling the plot

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As the Lion Guard ran down the sidewalk, they made as many noises as they could according to what animal they were to scare people out of their way. They felt bad about it, but it had to be done. "Ono! Take to the skies and see if you can spot that metal thing they're in!" Kion commanded. "Affirmative!" Ono said. He then flew high up into the sky as he began searching for Muddy and Dallas. He spotted their van near the Brooklyn Bridge about to go over it. "Kion! I found them! They're about to go over some kind of bridge not too far away!" Ono said. "Thanks Ono! Come on Lion Guard, let's pick up the pace!" Kion said. By the time they reached the Brooklyn Bridge, Muddy and Dallas were already halfway across it. Beshte quickly gathered everyone up onto his back, as he then swam them all across the East River to the other side. The Lion Guard continued to chase after the van until they spotted a bunch of people up ahead holding instruments, American flags, and standing up on floats and military vehicles. They immediately knew that it was the parade. "Guys, they're getting really close! I don't know if we're gonna make it!" Kion said. "Not if I can help it! Kion, get on my back!" Fuli said. Kion immediately did so without a second thought. "Can I come too!?" Asked Bunga. "Sure buddy! The more help the better!" Kion said. Bunga then lifted himself onto Fuli's back roughly, much to her annoyance. Beshte, Ono, and Makini all stayed behind as Fuli quickly dashed all the way up to the moving van. Kion wasted no time, he tore the back door open with his mouth and slipped inside the van with Bunga and Fuli coming in behind him. Muddy had noticed them come in through his rear-view mirror, and so he whipped his head around to take a look at them. "WHAT IN THE HELL!?!?" Muddy shouted. "Muddy, keep your damn eyes on the road! I'll handle them!" Dallas said as she got up from her seat and grabbed a metal pipe from off of the floor. "ZUKA ZUMA!" Bunga said as he launched himself at Dallas. She tried to take a swing at Bunga but missed. Bunga jumped onto Dallas's back and grabbed onto her shoulders as he and Fuli wrestled her to the floor and held her there. Kion then went to go deal with Muddy. He attempted to climb up onto his back but Muddy kept whipping him off with his arm. "AH! Get the hell off me you little bastard!" He shouted. Kion knew that he was quickly running out of time, and to make matters worse, he saw that Bunga and Fuli were beginning to lose their grip on Dallas. Kion ferociously sank his claws into Muddy's eyes, causing him great pain and making him not be able to see the road. "AHHH!!! OH GOD MY EYES!!!" Muddy shouted. The van began swerving out of control and eventually it ran head on into a lamp post causing it to stop. Everyone who noticed the collision gasped in shock. Then about a dozen spectators including a few police officers ran over to the van to see if anyone was hurt. They preyed the back doors open and saw Muddy and Dallas barely conscious with minor injuries, and Kion on top of Muddy's head miraculously unharmed. Bunga and Fuli were nowhere to be seen as they had quickly ran to hide behind the passenger seat. All of the spectators and police officers stared on with complete confusion, and that's when Tom and Megan suddenly poked themselves out from out of the crowd. "Red! How the hell did you get in here!?" Tom asked while still in shock. That's when everyone suddenly recognized Muddy and Dallas as the two convicted criminals who had just escaped from a federal prison 3 months before, and they also noticed a large map of the parade taped to the wall of the van outlining the couple's entire plan to use their van to plow through people on the sidewalk to just simply kill them, which shocked everyone even further. One of the officers quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Muddy and Dallas. "Both of you hands behind your back! And don't move an inch!" He shouted at them. He and one of his buddies then quickly ran inside and began cuffing the two up as Kion ran over to Tom and Megan. "Well Red, we don't know how in the world you did it, but you just saved many lives today." Tom said proudly. It didn't take too long for the story to spread like wildfire. It was reported all over the news to pretty much every corner of the United States. "HERO LION STOPS DOMESTIC TERRORISTS AT MEMORIAL DAY PARADE!" was just one of the headlines that were used. Reporters from many different news networks from Fox News all the way to CNN began coming up to Kion to receive a statement from him, though of course since he was just a lion, Tom and Megan had to do all of the talking from him. "Honestly, I always knew there was something special about this little lion straight from the start. I mean, there's just so much more to him then just some wild animal from Africa." Tom said to a reporter. "Hmm, interesting statement. What do you have to say about all this?" The reporter asked as he jokingly brought the mic down to Kion's level. All Kion did was sniff it confusingly which made everyone laugh. That's when a man in all black and wearing black tinted glasses suddenly shoved his way through the crowd and made his way up to Tom. "Excuse me, but may I pull you and Red over to side for a few moments?" The man asked. "Um, okay sure. Follow me Red." Tom and Kion then followed the man through the crowd and into a building leaving Megan to talk with the reporters. They were led into an office like room where they saw a desk and a black swivel-chair with it's back turned to them. "So, as you already know, this little lion here saved many lives today. As such, the entire city owes him a debt. And someone very special would like to say his thanks." The man said. He then moved over to side as the swivel chair suddenly turned around revealing the person sitting in it. Tom's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as the person who was sitting in the chair right in front of them, was the President of the United States: Bill Clinton himself. (This takes place in 1999 lol.) President Clinton then began to speak. "Red, let me just say for the record that you are one amazing lion. I just so happened to be here in New York when I was told of your act of extreme bravery. So on behave of myself and my fellow Americans, I would just like to say thanks. You prevented a horrible tragedy from happening today, and I'm positive that your story will become a great inspiration to many Americans, encouraging them to follow in your fine example if any of them are ever faced with a similar situation. So thank you Red, thank you for your act of service to the citizens this great country." The President then finished off his small speech by shaking Kion's paw. "Ohh now I get it. This human is the leader of this land just like how Dad is the leader of the Pride Lands." Kion thought to himself. Kion was very proud of himself, and as he looked out of a window and saw his friends looking through at him, he could tell that they were very proud of him too.

The Lion Guard: What if the humans healed Kion?Where stories live. Discover now