Change of plans

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Kion woke up the next morning at around 6 am still in his little enclosure. Kion looked around for a window so that he could see what time of day it was outside, but he found none, making him feel even more isolated. Kion then heard footsteps coming from down the hallway. "Wha...? Guys, is that you...?" He weakly called out. But it wasn't his friends, it was Tom, one of his caretakers. "Hey Red, today's the big day. You're finally gonna get the surgery you need to get better." Tom said. That filled Kion's heart with hope. He thought of his friends and family, and knew it wouldn't be too long until he would see them again. That's when Kion heard a small tune like sound coming from somewhere, it didn't sound like anything he had ever heard before. Tom then took a small rectangular shaped thing from out of his pocket and put it up to his ear. Kion didn't know it, but this thing Tom had was called a cell phone. At first, Tom talked to whoever was on the other end with a normal tone, but it soon soured after something they had just said to him. The person on the other end was one of Kion's surgeons, and she was telling Tom that she and the other surgeons were all stuck at the other rescue center all the way in New York City, and so Tom would have to bring Kion all the way over there for his surgery. "Are you kidding me!? You guys were supposed to come here for his surgery! ... No, I'm not being fresh with you, I'm just a little irritated okay. ... Alright just give me the address so I know where I'm going." Tom then took out a notepad and pen and put it on top of the fence so that he could write. "33 Avenue... Queens, New York... ... Yeah I got it. ... Okay, meet me at JFK International Airport tomorrow morning at 9 am sharp. Thanks." Tom then hang up the phone right when his friend Josh walked up to him. "What was that all about?" Josh asked. "The surgeons aren't coming! They want me to bring Red all the way to our center in New York City so that they can do the surgery there!" Tom said. "Wait... What...?" Kion thought to himself. Many questions began flooding into Kion's head, most of which were about whatever the heck this "New York City" place was. But of course Kion couldn't ask Tom and Josh because they wouldn't be able to understand him. Later that day, when the Guard came to visit Kion once again, he told them about what was to happen. What in the world is a "New York City"? Fuli asked Kion. "I have no idea. But they say that's where my surgery is gonna happen." Kion said. "So what do we do? We have no idea as to where this New York City place is. But it sounds like it's really far away." Bunga said. "I don't think there's really anything you guys can do. Just please go back to the Pride Lands and tell my family, and tell them that I love and miss them so much..." Kion said tearing up a bit. "Okay Kion." Fuli said. "Goodbye Kion. You're in our thoughts." Ono said. The Guard then quickly left the center right when Tom showed up with a carrier for Kion. He opened up the fence and walked into the enclosure going up right next to Kion. "Okay Red, let's go catch our plane." Tom said helping Kion into the carrier. He then walked out with Kion right by his side inside the carrier, and started making his way to the exit. Kion had a nervous feeling deep down in his belly about the whole thing, but he trusted the humans, and knew that he was still on the road to getting better.

The Lion Guard: What if the humans healed Kion?Where stories live. Discover now