Kion in the U.S

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Kion woke up to a sudden thud, he saw that he was still on the airplane, and that it was now morning. The plane had just landed at JFK International Airport, and it was now pulling up to the gate. "Welcome to New York City, where the local time is uhhh... 8:30 am, and the weather is sunny with a temperature of 71 degrees. We uhhh... Thank you for your patience, and hope that you enjoyed your flight." The pilot said over the loud speaker. "Um, thanks." Kion said. When the plane finally came to a stop and the gate opened up, Tom grabbed Kion and then walked off of the plane and into the airport. Kion looked around and saw that this airport was much bigger and more crowded then the other one. Tom went over to an empty seat and sat down placing Kion in the seat next to him. To Kion's other side was a 15 year old boy drinking a can of Pepsi through a straw. The boy noticed Kion and the two made direct eye-contact with each other. "Want a sip?" The boy asked. Kion thought he had nothing to lose from it, and so he took the straw into his mouth and sipped up some of the liquid. It tasted unlike anything Kion had ever tasted before in his life, it created a weird fizzy sensation inside of his mouth, and Kion felt as though his taste buds were watering from the sudden sweetness.
15 minutes later...
"Tom Maxwell, right?" Asked a female voice. "Yeah that's me, and this little guy right here is named Red." Said Tom. "Well nice to meet you. My name is Megan, and I'll be one of the doctors preforming the surgery." Said Megan. Kion took a look at Megan and saw that she was a young caucasian woman of average height wearing a white medical coat. She also had a pony-tail, and a pair of glasses on. Kion thought that she looked quite attractive for a human, and so he couldn't help but blush a bit. Tom and Megan soon left the airport taking Kion with them, and once they were all out onto the streets of New York City, Kion was immediately overwhelmed by all of the things he was seeing and hearing. He saw cars and trucks driving by, super tall buildings that were as high as the sky, many different build boards advertising all kinds of different consumer items, and he saw thousands if not millions of many different people all around him either talking to each other, on their cell phones, or even to just themselves. Soon enough, Tom Megan and Kion were all at the animal hospital, where Kion was taken out of his carrier and placed onto a medical table. The effects of Kion's pain medication were beginning to wear off, so the pain of Ushari's bites were starting to come back making Kion's body ache once more. He moaned in pain and tears started dripping down from his eyes. Tom tried soothing Kion by rubbing his belly as Megan clamped a pulse oximeter onto Kion's finger which was connected to a desktop computer. It began to read off of Kion's condition and Megan began taking notes on it. "Jesus Mary, this has to be the most aggressive snake bite I've ever seen." Megan said in amazement. "Yeah I know. Me and Josh predict it was an Egyptian cobra that bit him, but we're not too sure on that." Said Tom. "Well there's no time to waste, we have to preform the surgery today. If we wait any longer, the venom is eventually gonna reach his heart and he's a goner." Megan said. Kion shuddered when he heard this, and it caused him to start crying even more. "Wow, he understands words really well." Megan said. "I know it's amazing." Tom said.
Later that day...
Kion was now in a small room inside of a cage waiting for his surgery to begin. Right outside of the room he could hear the surgeons talking and preparing the medical equipment. Not only was Kion really nervous and in pain, but he also missed his friends and family dearly. He couldn't bare not being able to see them, and for them not to be there to support him through his ordeal. Eventually Kion just couldn't take it anymore, and he just broke down right then and there. "It hurts so much... I just need someone to hug me... To relief me from this awful pain..." Kion sobbed. Then suddenly, as Kion continued to sob into his paws, Mufasa's face appeared up in the sky looking down at Kion through a small window. "Grandfather Mufasa...? I didn't even summon you..." Kion said. "You didn't have to. I sensed your pain, and so I came to help." Said Mufasa. Kion honestly couldn't have been more glad to see Mufasa. "Grandfather, I'm so scared to get this surgery... What if something goes wrong and I die...? I'll never see my friends and family  ever again..." Kion said. "Unfortunately Kion, I do not really have an answer for you. A so-called surgery being done by the humans is beyond me. I'm sorry..." Mufasa said sadly. "You know what? That's okay. What matters most to me right now is that I have a family member to support me." Kion said, which made Mufasa smile. "I will always be there for you Kion. Even when you cannot see me. Because I love you..." Mufasa said. "I love you too grandfather..." Kion said. He couldn't see it, but he could just feel Mufasa's large ghostly paw gently stroking his back making him purr. That's when Megan suddenly came into the room and took Kion from out of his cage and into her arms. Mufasa watched as his grandson was taken from out of his view as he slowly faded back into the clouds. Kion was taken to another room which was more crowded with people and medical equipment. Megan placed Kion onto a large metal table, and then he suddenly felt a sharp pain get injected into his leg which made him wince. Kion was being injected with amnesia fluid, and as it slowly filled up his veins, he began to get sleepy. "Just let it take you Red... Once you wake up, you won't be in anymore pain..." Megan said as she put her surgical mask and gloves on. That was the last thing Kion heard before the amnesia finally took him and everything went black.

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