IV: Fake scenarios

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*Sorry this chapter took some time to come out.. I hope I'll have enough motivation to write the next chapters quicker*

The alarm was ringing right in my ear.
I felt way too tired.

A normal school morning.

I turned my head to the left, and set the alarm off with one swift hand movement.

I slowly got up from bed, yawned, and took a few steps out of the bedroom.

My bathroom was right next to the bedroom, and I headed there right away.

I met those gray eyes in the mirror again. I looked as horrible as always, with messy and tangled hair, and those horrible eyebags under my eyes.

I really didn't have any energy to brush my hair, but I still forced myself to pick up a brush from the table.

I quickly somewhat brushed my hair, but I knew that there was still many tangled spots left. I couldn't care less right now.

I went back to my room, quickly threw my shirt off and picked up a new one from the pile of clothes on my chair.




As I opened the front door, I felt the fresh air brush throught my skin.

Headphones on, Spotify open.


Each one of my steps felt heavier and heavier.

My eyelids also felt heavier and heavier.

I guess four hours of sleep wasn't quite enough.



I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

It felt like a sharp pain in my chest everytime I said his name in my mind.

We had been strangers at first. Then friends. We soon after that became best friends. And now...

Back to strangers. This time, with shared memories. All those hours, days and years I had sacrificed for him. But oh well, it wasn't his fault. I just simply couldn't feel mad at him.

Well, it's not like I understood my own feelings all that well. Because indeed, I felt a bit of jealousy and anger towards him.

Jealousy. He was capable of just moving on. Like I never meant anything to him. He was capable of ignoring this. Idiot. He was an idiot.

I just... wished he was my idiot.

Anger. He acted like I was nothing. I know that I don't value myself really highly, but still. And he was known for being really empathic. Doesn't really seem like it!

It felt like a small fire had been lit inside my heart. Not out of love or pleasure, but instead, anger.

That idiot. I... I still don't want to hurt him! But still, revenge is indeed the best medicine, at least according to some people...

Poison? Something that would be over quickly? Not painful?


I can't believe myself.

I could never do that to him.

Even I was a better person than that.




Imagining fake scenarios in your head was probably the most interesting thing during these boring school days.

I could always imagine how Obito would kiss me, and how we would have a happy future together. How I'd be his hero and save him from some catastrophic disaster. Anything was possible in that imaginary world.

I let my mind take control, and started imagining.


"Obito..." I whispered under my breath. I was leaning against a wall, with Obito in front of me, keeping me in place. "Kakashi...", He answered, making eye contact. He leaned closer to my face, and I felt my cheeks burning up. I lifted my right hand up, and put it behing Obito's head, feeling his messy black hair.

He took his hand behind me, and leaned forward for a kiss. I felt his soft lips press against mine.

I swapped my hand from behind his head to his back, and spinned him around. Now his back was on the wall, and it was my turn to kiss him.

"When I was kid, I wished I could call someone my Juliet, and be someone's Romeo", Obito whispered, and let out a small chuckle.

"I guess were both Romeo's without Juliets, right?" I continued his joke.

"Definitely not complaining though", I continued and looked in his eyes.

"I'm your Romeo, and your my Romeo", Obito answered, wrapping his hands around my torso.

"J'veux ton amour", I whispered again, and wrapped my other hand around him aswell.


I already saw the school building. Another school day I have to somehow get through with.

1 month, 28 days.

Nothing breaks quite like a heart | Kakashi angst | High school AUWhere stories live. Discover now