VIII: Spare person

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Okay... welcome back! I guess this chapter didn't take nearly as long to come out as the others.

A blade sliding across fragile skin.

It left a red trail behind it, slowly forming small red droplets.

Those small droplets stained the skin, making it a beautiful bright red. The stinging pain complimented the elegant color exceptionally well. It was like a piece of art, the kind that belongs in an art museum like Louvre.

Multiple lines of red, with blood stains. The pale skin was like a perfect frame for the full artwork.

I was incredibly tired.

But it wasn't anything I hadn't dealt with before.

The blood dripped down as I moved my hand. The perfect artwork had been ruined, as the paint escaped the canvas.




A new semester had started.

I stepped into the new unfamiliar classroom expecting nothing but a room full of empty faces and silence lingering in the air.

All those expectations shattered. Most of the class was already gathered in the middle of the room surrounding some boy, all smiling and wearing those heartfelt smiles on their faces. A wave of envy washed over me, but ignoring everything I sneaked to the back of the room and sat down on the seat.

Just staring at the desk in front of me. There were some carvings, but otherwise it was quite clean.

"Hey there! I haven't seen you around before, what's your name?"

I woke up from my everlasting thoughts to a cheerful yet strong voice in front of me. It was the boy from the middle of the room. The others continued to speak and laugh among themselves, but he had made his way here just to speak to me.

"Uh.. I'm Hatake Kakashi..." I said, fidgeting with my fingers. He had such a welcoming aura surrounding him. Not as much as Obito had, but close. He had a dumb looking black bowlcut, and the rays of sunshine flashing through the windows danced on his hair, making it glow despite the dark color.

"I'm Might Guy! Nice to meet you Kakashi! You shall be my rival from now on!" He flashed a quick smile using all his teeth, looking idiotic. He looked rather athletic, but dumb as a rock. What a combo...

He moved his hand forward, shaking mine. His skin felt warm, yet again reminding me of Obito and his warm essence. He was like a cheap copy of my one and only.

Guy quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and furrowed his brows trying to search for something there. Not many seconds passed until he had apparently found what he was searching for and had a satisfaed look in his dark glowing eyes.

"Here! This is my phone number rival!" He shoved the screen in my face, startling me. I mentally sighed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. Slowly adding his number in my phone, I looked back up to him.

He still had that shining grin on his face.




I was walking out of class as I felt a hand grab my shoulder. It was that familiar warm touch again. For a split second I thought it was Obito, but then my senses came back to me. It was that idiot Might Guy. But how I craved for Obito's touch. His warm fragile skin. I just couldn't shake that thought from my head.

"Kakashi! Want to hang out with me today?" Guy practically yelled. None of the other students even batted an eye, they were probably already used to this.

"Sure..." I answered quietly, not wanting to draw anymore attention to us. Guy asked me whethever I had any more classes left for the day. Obviously I didn't and neither did he.

As we walked out of the school building, he swiftly grabbed my hand and started running somewhere. I had no choice but to run as well. But oh how I hated running when others were looking. Their eyes analysing my each and every move. Their eyes all over me. It felt objectifying. Like I was some object sitting in the middle of a room being inspected by others. I hated it. Normally in a situation like this I'd feel warm tears trying to form in the corners of my eyes, trying to escape. But this was different.

His warm presence gave me comfort. It made me have a feeling of sort of belonging. Something I hadn't felt in along time. Something that almost made a soft smile appeared on my face. There was still a feeling of insecurity lingering in the back of my mind, but I wanted to leave all that behind.

Guy lived relatively close to the school. His home was a red two-story house, and I picked up from his endless blabbering that he lived here with his mother and younger brother. I didn't dare to ask where his father was, that was too much of a personal question.




We sat on the floor in his room. The last time I had visited someone was when I had last visited Obito at his house. Back then we had read some memes and watched movies. That was a memory that I truly cherished. Something that always managed to find it's way in my mind, like a worm eating it's way through a sweet fruit.

Guy was talking about something, also trying to tell the story through hand gestures. I wasn't entirely there. My mind was filled with pictures of Obito, and how he also used to blabber endlessly like Guy. Those two were so similar, yet so different at the same time. It was eerie and comforting at the same time. Almost like I had a spare Obito sitting in front of me. A spare that could never outshine the original.




Time flew rather quickly in presence of this spare.

Slowly I also started to joke around a bit. Talking. Speaking. Joking.

All of that was meaningless. I knew that. I shouldn't get attached. But oh how I had missed the presence of another human to talk with.

I was quick to get attached. I always reminded myself that it would only come back to bite me someday, but there was nothing I could do. Attachment. A dangerous concept, something that makes you yearn for someone and yet in the end it ends up hitting you in the face stronger than ever.

I wouldn't be able to go through that again.

But this time it wouldn't even matter if I'd get attached. Simple reasoning, really. The reasoning being that I only had 1 month and 23 days left to life. After that nothing would matter anymore. All the memories in this life would mend together into a sphere, that would be thrown out somewhere where no one would ever be able to access them again.

It was bittersweet to think about.




1 month and 23 days.

Nothing breaks quite like a heart | Kakashi angst | High school AUWhere stories live. Discover now