Chapter 6

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~To Be Together~

(Zee’s POV)

“Son, this is the Leader of Chiang Mai, Khun Jesdaporn Perdpiriyawong. An old friend. Our fathers were business partners and friends as well, just like we are now.” Father introduced me to a man who exuded authority and power. His suit fitted him like a glove and it screamed designer. He was built and looked very strong. I wonder how much he benches, 220?

“And this is his lovely wife, I’m sure you are familiar with.” Ah of course! Mrs Maria Perdpiriyawong of Marinet, a famous clothing line dedicated to empowering women. The Maria Perdpiriyawong! A woman who has made a name for herself all around the world through fashion. She has designed clothes for many A-listers, celebrities and is well respected in the fashion world. Mother owns a few custom made dresses that Mrs Perdpiriyawong has designed. An equally powerful woman. They really are made for each other.

I waied to both Mr and Mrs Perdpiriyawong, respectfully showing my gratitude for such a wonderful birthday celebration. 

“Phi Krit, he sure is a spitting image of you when you were younger. But with better hair.” I laughed as Khun Jesdaporn made a joke. All my life I have heard people say that I look like my father when he was younger. I’ve seen pictures and surely I have seen the resemblance, I mean he is my father. 

“Where are your boys? I was told that they are both present tonight.” I heard my father ask.

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Yes! They are present.” Khun Jesdaporn looked around expectedly.

“Ah! Here comes the youngest.” I turned my head and saw a fairly tall boy walking towards the table alongside another boy. 

“Nu Kuea, let me introduce you to a friend of mine, and the leader of Chiang Rai. Khun Chakrit Panich. And his lovely wife, Khun Pattira Panich. And their son, Pruck Zee Panich. Show your respects.” Khun Jesdaporn smiled with pride, as his son waied to all three of us, showing a cute dimple as he smiled. 

“Sawadee krub. My name is Nu Kuea Perdpiriyawong. It was nice to meet you all.” The younger boy had a mixture of his mum and dad.

“Nu Kuea, where is your brother?” 

“He just went to the-” He was begging to say but stopped short. 

Then I turned my head once again.

(End of Zee’s POV)

“Oh! Here he comes”

Zee felt his heart skip a beat. This was probably the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. He glowed and sort of sparkled when he came walking towards the table.

“Ah, here he is. Phi Krit, this is my eldest.” Khun Jesdaporn beamed with pride as he saw New walking towards the table. He loved both of his sons equally and made sure that they knew that. Of course, because New was born first, he was automatically heir to be the next leader of Chiang Mai . Khun Jesdaporn made sure that both boys felt his love, especially when they were growing up. He always felt guilty for always leaving them, but as they grew up, he saw them as responsible young men. He was proud of who they’ve become.

“Sawadee krub. My name is Chawarin New Perdpiriyawong. It’s very nice to meet you all.” New waied to the Panich family.

“New, this is the leader of Chiang Rai. Khun Chakrit Panich, his wife Khun Pattira Panich and their son, Pruck Zee Panich.”

New smiled while bowing to the Panich family. He didn't dare make eye contact with Zee, for fear he might faint.

Zee was stunned for a moment, lost for words as he took in New's appearance, at close proximity. The suit hugged his tiny waist, adding a feminine touch, while the black added contrast to his milk like skin. The gold details along the suit, sparkled under the light, making him look unworldly. Almost like a fairy. He was beautiful in other words.

"Son, we've introduced you to each other because some day, you both will take over from us. Tik and I were introduced to each other by our fathers, and we got to know each other, help each other and take care of one another. We hope that the both of you can become friends and business partners in the future." Zee smiled as he heard his father say this. This means that he will be seeing New more often, and will get to know him. Zee liked that idea.

New on the other hand was freaking out. How the hell will be able to control himself? He’s already unable to make eye contact with Zee. How will be able to contain his shyness around Zee? These questions swirled around New’s mind.

“Tomorrow, if you're free. Could you show me around Chiang Mai? I’ve always wanted to see the ancient Lanna temples.” Zee took the initiative and took charge. Even though he was very much nervous, he wanted to take the first step and ask New

New looked up and saw Zee staring at him. New felt the heat come back to his face as he looked into Zee’s eyes. They both felt a spark, as the two of them stood looking into each other’s eyes.

“I am free tomorrow.” New replied softly, feeling butterflies erupt inside his stomach. 

They’ve only just met and already they’ll be going on an outing, by themselves. New felt extremely nervous of the idea, but at the same time he was excited that he was going to spend some time alone with Zee. This was a good chance for them to get to know each other.

“Great! Then it’s a date.” Zee smiled, as he passed his phone to New.

“Give me your number so I can message you tomorrow.” Zee quickly said, as New was looking rather confused as to why Zee was giving him his phone.

New quickly typed in his number, smiling as he realised how smooth Zee was. 

As Zee and New were exchanging numbers, a waiter bumped into Kuea spilling water onto him.

“I am so sorry sir. Please allow me to wipe that for you.” Barcode was beside Kuea in no time.

“Step away from the young master. Do not put your hands on him.” Barcode held a very intimidating expression as he commanded the waiter to not touch Kuea.

“Barcode, it’s ok. He was just trying to help.” Kuea smiled at the waiter as he waied and left.

Unknown POV:

“Is it done?” 

“It’s done. Mission complete.” I smiled as I informed the other side. No more hiding.

(End of POV)


Hello, hows is it so far? Still enyoing?

They finally met. Yayy!! :)
Love is in the air.

There will be some action, maybe some violence in the next few chapters. I apologize in advance if it triggers someone. As I've been planning the story line, it seemed nessacery. But please vote and if you want to say something, please don't hesitate to comment. But only constructive criticism, let's be kind.
Anyways, Happy reading.

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