Chapter 9

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~To Be Together~

(Zee’s POV)
(The night before Zee’s birthday.)

I pulled up to the old factory feeling anxious. I need to go and rescue the captain and make things right. Whoever did this, has made things personal. No one dares to touch my people, without any sort of consequence. The rain stopped a few minutes ago, leaving the ground moist and my tires dirty.

Just then, another pair of headlights came into view.

Good, Phi Kinn is here. We need to move quickly and quietly to get this done.

“Khun Zee, where do we need to go.?” Phi Kinn was geared up and ready to go. This is why I trust him, undoubtedly. He understands what I need.

“Phi, look at this.” I showed him the picture of the captain.

“Is that Khun Fruck? Who’s done this?”

“That’s what I want to know. But by looking at this picture, this is obviously our old ware-house near the docks. This clearly is a set up to go and rescue him, but I think between the 2 of us, we can do it ourselves. I just need to gear up. Then we have to come up with a plan on how to do this rescue mission.” Kinn nodded his head in understanding.

I quickly rushed into the factory, heading for the armory. I typed in the secret code and the doors opened revealing what was inside.

Guns upon guns hanging from the wall. Small guns, big guns, rifles, snipers, pistols, bazookas and many more weapons. On the other side of the wall were safety gears. Bullet proof vests, shields and helmets. I quickly grabbed a bag and put in ammo, bullets, a couple of hand grenades and other gadgets. I also put on a bullet-proof vest under my shirt and strapped on a gun belt. I holstered my own custom gold pistol into its place that is inside my jacket, then I also grabbed 2 rifles from the wall and walked outside to where the cars were packed. 

“Let’s go,” Kinn nodded his head.

“We’ll only take one car. Open the back.” Kinn opened the doors for me and I put the gear inside. 

“I pulled up satellite images of the ware-house. If we were to enter from the back via the west wing, we could sneak in without being detected. We could also quickly rescue the captain before they notice he is gone, with a clean get-away.” Kinn had prepared the plan as I was getting ready. 

“Let’s go with that. We’re running out of time. Let’s go before it’s too late.” I sat on the passenger side, while Kinn quickly put the car into ‘drive’ and pulled away.

(End of Zee’s POV)

At the docks, beside the sea-wall, Kinn parked the car. Zee and Kinn both got out and grabbed their gear to suit up. Zee grabbed both rifles and hung it across his body, both fully loaded. Kinn walked up beside Zee and handed him an earpiece.

“I have connected you to my ear monitor. This will allow me to hear you.” Zee nodded his head as he placed the item in his ear, wiggling it around until it was sitting perfectly.

Zee grabbed the bullets from his bag to fill the copper plated soft steel jacket of his pistol. He then refilled the spares and holstered them to his gun belt. He also grabbed 2 hand grenades and put them in his pants pocket. Kinn approached Zee with a tablet in his hands.

“We’ll have an advantage, if we take this door on the west wing. We’ll have a higher vantage point of attack. The door will take us to the back staircase that leads to the main office. We’ll also be able to see them all.” Zee nodded his head as he took in the plan from Kinn. At times like this, he allows Kinn to lead, as he has had more experience on the field leading a team.

Zee and Kinn made their way to the ware-house, watching each other's backs. As they got closer to the back door, Zee grabbed the heat vision binoculars that were around his neck and spied into the ware-house.

“I see three people standing in the middle of the room and one standing further away. I can also see a person sitting in a chair. That must be the captain.” Zee spoke as he described what he saw to Kinn.

“How do you want to do this Khun Zee? Are we going in hot, or are we going in quietly?” Kinn asked Zee.

“As quiet as possible, Phi. I don’t want this to blow up. We have a birthday to go to in a few hours. Let’s just go in, grab the captain and get out.” Kinn nodded in understanding. Zee wanted to know who was involved, but he also had other arrangements that needed his attention. He knew not to disappoint his parents when they had told him that his birthday celebration was going to be held at Chiang Mai. Which is great, considering that’s where the secret location is located. He could conduct more investigation there. But for now, he needs to rescue the captain.

Kinn grabbed his cutters and made a hole in the fence for them to enter the property. Zee moved ahead swiftly, waiting for Kinn at the door, with his rifle on the ready. Once Kinn was besside Zee, he grabbed the handle and twisted it to open the door. Holding his fist in the air, Zee entered first, checking the perimeter. Once it was clear, Zee put his fist down, thus making Kinn enter as well. As they were both inside, Zee led forward while Kinn guarded from the back. As they came to the staircase, Kinn took Zee’s place in front. He climbed the staircase and used the scope on his rifle to see what was happening on the ground floor.

“Khun Zee, I see the 3 men standing over the captain. He’s in a very bad way, but he seems to be still breathing. I don’t see the fourth one, so be careful. I’ll cover you from up here.” Kinn spoke into his earpiece, to inform Zee.

“Copy!” Zee replied back, as he moved forward.

Zee could see the 3 men as he moved closer, hiding behind a few big boxes. Zee put on his night vision goggles as he said, “Phi, kill the lights!”

(Vik’s POV)

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that everything will work out-”

I stopped short as the lights went out. He’s here!

“Kill him!” I shouted, but my men dropped to the ground like bags of potatoes.

A shot made its way too close to my liking, so I turned and jumped out of the window and ran to the car. 

I got into the car and shifted it into drive. “Fuck!” I yelled, as I drove away. 

“What the fuck just happened? Vik talk to me?”

“I wasn't expecting him to do anything. He came unannounced.” I hit the wheel as I regretfully announced the news to the other side.

“Is the captain still alive?” 

“Yes! Dammit” My jaw was clenched as I knew what was going to happen.

“Dammit Vik, you fucked up. Why didn’t you kill him when you brought him to ware-house?" the other side will not be happy. "Come in first. We’ll have to come up with another plan. Meet me in 10 minutes at the safe house.”

I hung up the phone, stepping onto the accelerator.

“You’re a dead man Zee. Dead man.” 

(End of Vik’s POV)

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