Chapter 11

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~To Be Together~

PG-13 SMUT !!!
(Vik’s POV)

“Let me help you with that.” She seductively whispered into my ear, biting her lower lip as she moved down, with her now kneeling in front of me.

Her eyes sparkled from the lights, giving a hint of both beauty and power. Her fingers found the buttons of my shirt, her eyes never leaving mine as she unbuttoned each one without much trouble. My chest was now exposed to her. She drew a sharp breath, eating up the sight in front of her.

I moved her hand to rest it on top of the tent that was quickly growing in my pants. She took the hint and with a smirk, her tiny fingers found the cold metal of my zipper and pulled it down. My growing boner jumped out.

“It’s so big.” I heard her giggle as I grabbed her by the hair, pushing her down, as she took me to euphoria. 

(End of Vik’s POV)

New found himself in his bathroom, staring at his reflection.

“Meung, get your shit together. Don’t cause any problems and we’ll be fine.” New was pointing to himself in the mirror, having a little pep talk with himself. New took a deep breath, letting it out shakingly, having no confidence in his speech.

He will soon meet Zee and they will spend the whole day together. The thought caused a little smile to appear on his face, but at the same time he felt like butterflies were taking up camp in his stomach.

“Su su.” New added, determination in his eyes.

New walked out of his room, bumping into his brother.

“Oh Hia, you look great. You must really like Phi Zee, to put so much effort into your whole look.” New’s eyes widened upon hearing his brother's words. 

“How does he know?” New thought.

“Really Hia. I bet you just thought, how I knew, right.” Kuea held an indifferent expression, a little disappointed that his older brother didn’t trust him to tell him about his feelings.      
“I’m a little disappointed that you thought that.” Kuea added, melting New completely.

“Oh Nu. It’s not like that. And I’m sorry I made you feel like that, Hia didn’t mean to.” New hugged Kuea, feeling guilty for not talking with his brother.

“And yes! I am excited. But I put in a lot of effort, because you know what dad always says. First impressions do matter. I’ll be working with Phi Zee in the future, so I want him to know that I can be a trustworthy partner.” New’s heart pounded as he spoke those words, feeling the gravity of it.

“I’m just teasing you Hia.” Kuea smiled at his brother, grateful that New could open up to him about the topic. 

“I hope you have a great time with Phi Zee, Hia. Su su na.” Kuea added, winking playfully as he walked towards his room.

New smiled at his brother, shaking his head, but feeling lighter than before. He was thankful that his family were supportive about his sexuality. He came out to them 3 years ago, when he finally confirmed that he liked boys. He was nervous to tell his family, not because he was worried they might react negatively, but because of how it might affect the family. New loved his family and would never want to do anything to hurt those close to his heart. New’s parents just smiled and Kuea ran up to hug New, after he called them to the living room to announce his news. 

*Flashback to 3 years ago*

“New, why don’t we kiss? We’ve been dating for 2 weeks now, but you’ve never let me get close to you. All we do is hold hands and that’s it. Why don’t we take our relationship further?” The girl drew closer, touching his lips with hers. New's eyes were closed, but he couldn’t help but feel like his skin was crawling. And that’s how he knew he was gay. Also, because while they were dating, New never felt a spark or felt any attraction towards her. She was a very pretty girl, but he just didn’t feel anything for her, other than being friends.

New’s train of thoughts came to a stop, when he heard the doorbell ring.

“Oh Khun Zee, welcome. Please come in.” New heard Aunty Ja say after a few rings.

New leaned forwards, looking down to the lobby. What he saw left his mouth gaping open. Zee walked in and was in a suit. The suit fitted him perfectly and with a few buttons undone, New drew back to calm himself. 

“Nu New, Khun Zee is here for you.” New heard Aunty Ja call out to him.

“Coming.” New replied, after he took a few deep breaths, calming himself and proceeded to descend the stairs.

Hello beautiful people.
So sorry for the late update. I've been busy the past couple of days and also I was watching the funeral processions for the late Queen (RIP) and was sleeping really late. But anyways, I've been writing a couple of chapters during that time. I'll update 2 more chapters this weekend. So stay tuned for more. Thank you for the likes and the comments. I appreciate you all. L.O.V.E.

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